Hiking in Sunol Regional Wilderness in the San Francisco Bay Area

I can not deny the beauty of urban landscapes, but there is something different and far more majestic when one reaches the top of a mountain, and all the eyes can see in any direction is wilderness. That is the beauty of Sunol Regional Wilderness.

One arrives in Sunol on a windy five mile road through a forrest on the side of a hill. The visitor is then greeted with a modest parking lot with a few outhouses in it(the only bathrooms available). One can see the top of Flag Hill, the highest point on the premise, and is presented with two main options: The First is to climb the hill, and the second is to go around the hill and the foothills, up the creek to a place called Little Yosemite.

Flag Hill
If one chooses to climb Flag Hill, one is choosing a relatively short, but grueling hike almost straight up hill. The hike is only a mile up and a mile down, but it is very strenuous. However, as strenuous as it is, one can afford to take his or her time up the hill, as there are few people who choose to hike up Flag Hill Trail. As one ascends, one is greeted with better and better views of the whole park, and more rewarding scenes. It is only when one reaches the top, when one is greeted with the full reward for climbing the hill. One can look in any direction, and besides the parking lot and the reservoir in the far distance, all one can see is the wilderness that surrounds them.

Little Yosemite
While the hike to Flag Hill is rewarding, one might choose the easer and sometimes just a fun hike to Little Yosemite. To get there, I recommend one drive past the main parking lot to the other parking lot behind the stables. One can then hike up the road and across the bridge along the creek. During the wetter seasons, the creek is full of water rushing over the amazing rocks and boulders of Little Yosemite. While the mile or two hike to Little Yosemite is beautiful, and there are a few opportunities to get into the creek before hand, one does not reach his or her destination until one has to climb down the face of the canyon to play in the creek.

Regardless of which path one chooses at Sunol, one can enjoy the many beauties of nature as well as find a rare secluded spot in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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