Gold in Them There Hills! Think Again

No we are not talking about the Beverly Hillbillies but the new found riches in North Dakota. Oil that is! Texas T [Black Gold] as it was called during the oil boom of the 1920’s and 1950’s. With the advent of new and advanced technologies in drilling has made it possible to tap into the vast oil reserve at the Williston Basin in North Dakota. Like the first oil boom at the start of the 20th century this new found reserve of fuel that feed the second industrial revolution is poised to set back the gains of green energy that have already been made. The Oil conglomerates have continually thwarted, lobbied the Republican controlled legislatures, and purposely suppressed the environmental movement in favor of keeping the flow of oil to superseded any gains of the green energy movement at any cost.

With so much at stake in the world today it is the Republican mindset that continues to display a complete callous disregard concerning the environmental impact that global warming is having on this planet. All accelerated by mans refusal to eliminate the fuel of the second industrial revolution and adopt the new fuel for the third industrial revolution. The quick easy profit from drilling oil compared with the long term profitability and environmental friendly green energy has been thrust back into the American consciousness.

Sure, just like the Alaska gold rush back in the 1800’s and the oil pipeline of the 1970’s all produced short term economic gains. But, once the oil fields are dried up there is little left for a population to rely on to continue the economic prosperity that was very short lived. Short sighted our leaders of industry and most Republican legislatures are in the frenzy to continually seek not only oil but all forms of fossil fuels instead of realigning themselves to openly pursue, promote, develop, and distribute affordable alternate fuel is openly contentious to the energy that will propel the third industrial revolution.

In the mid 1970’s the United States had a wake up call when our first real shortage of fuel mostly oil hit the economy. Had we actually opened up to the fact that our reliance on imported fossil fuel and fossil fuel in general keeps most Americans from ever climbing further up that economic ladder and If the United States embraced new technologies in green energy back in the mid 1970’s this country would be now more able to cope with the economic crisis of today. That forward mobility that is so essential for economic growth and national security is being denied for so many millions of Americans the longer we rely on the fuel of the last century.

With the consumption of any fossil fuel comes pollution which contributes to global warming. It is this global warming that is having a very destruction impact on our planet. In the past 20 years there has been so much pollution being emitted in our atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuel and man’s continued use of the earths oceans as one big garbage dump than in any other period in the history of the world.. When the earthquake in Japan occurred the monumental deluge of debris that was swept out into the Pacific Ocean along with all the other waste that continues to mount in our oceans, lakes, rivers, and waterways has and is having a catastrophic turn of events of biblical proportions the longer man continues on his path of denial and apathy in regards to the affects of Global Warming.

The evidence is quite clear that the food chain for all living things begins in the worlds oceans, rivers, and lakes. With so much pollution being dumped into them all living things are in grave danger. With the continued deluge of pollutants in our planets waters every animal is adversely affected. The recent mass deaths of fowl, fish and other animals are a direct result of man’s pollution and blatant disregard for life. Instead of continued reliance on fossil fuels man must immediately and openly embrace what the immediate impact that developing and using the energy of the third industrial revolution will have in reversing the horrific impact on all life on this planet. The pollution and disregard for life for the pursuit of more monetary concerns and profits is a recipe for extinction.

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