Facebook: The New Way to Market

Facebook is now home to over 600 million users. Every day people go on to Facebook to see what their friends are up too, check on the latest fad, and of course to waste time and procrastinate. College students alone spend hours on Facebook chatting or looking for ways to ignore their teacher. Facebook is the way for people to connect, and it is a great way for businesses to connect with their customers. Facebook allows a more personal touch by allowing businesses to actually talk to their customers, to ask them directly what they think about a product or what they would like to see.

Facebook also gives the customer a way to feel that they can tell the business how they feel and that the business actually cares. People want instant communication, they want instant results, they want to see it and see reviews before they buy something. Facebook allows the company to post pictures or to allow other users to post pictures of the product; it allows people to say how much they loved using it.

Facebook allows the customer to advertise for them, by having people constantly discussing the product on Facebook, linking the page on their personal page because they think it is so awesome. Most Facebook users have hundreds of friends, this means that it is easy to reach thousands of people quickly just by word of mouth. The best aspect of Facebook is that to do all of this it is free.

Marketing on Facebook is not hard, but it can be time consuming, which may discourage some. But if you stick with it and put the time it is worth it. Some effective ways of marketing is to make your page exciting and interactive. Post lots of pictures, not just of the product but maybe of the store or of the staff. People want to feel like they know the person they are buying from. Make sure that you are constantly interactive on the page, post status updates, again these do not have to be specifically product related, post something funny, or thought provoking, talk about a certain staff member. Most importantly answer peoples comments, people want to know that you are listening to them and that you care.

Facebook is the new way of marketing, no longer do you have to worry about paying thousands of dollars to reach a few people. Now you can reach thousands of people by sitting at your computer and talking to people online.

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