Easy Things You Can Do Now to Help the Environment

We all want clean air, water and a nice place to live. To that end, here are some simple actions you can take right now to make our Earth a healthier, safer planet.

• Replace the incandescent light bulbs in your home or apartment with fluorescents. Since 80% of the electricity that powers an incandescent bulb produces heat rather than light, it makes perfect sense to replace all of your incandescent light bulbs with fluorescents. And while incandescent lasts around 1000 hours, a florescent bulb can last much longer — up to seven years. You can buy fluorescents relatively cheaply, often for as little as 99 cents. Check out your local hardware store for sales.

• Use cloth bags for shopping (or regularly recycle your plastic bags). Plastic bags are easily picked up by the wind and fly around where they end up in our trees, rivers, lakes and streams. Some cities are outlawing plastic bags entirely. San Francisco, California, for example, outlawed plastic shopping bags a few years ago when the city found residents were using 25 million bags a year, every year.

• While out walking, stop and pick up trash. This is a simple, no-cost way to help beautify your neighborhood. Note: If you pick up bottles and cans, be sure to recycle them.

• Keep car stereo volume low. While your music may sound great to you, loud music disturbs neighborhood peace. Keep your volume low and respect your neighbors.

• Shop at second hand stores. These stores have great merchandise, sometimes new or almost new. People discard and recycle items they may no longer want or need every day. And they give items away often not because they are worn out or broken, but for other reasons. For example, a clothing item does not fit anymore or the owner may not want a piece of furniture or a lamp because it is no longer appropriate in his or her home.

• Participate in your city’s recycling program. You can easily reduce your trash output by one-half by recycling bottles, cans, and paper. This not only helps beautify; it reduces consumption of resources and lessens landfill needs. Remember: cities make money recycling trash, so recycling your trash can even save you money on your taxes.

Recycling and using our resources wisely is here to stay. Join in and become an active participant in Earth’s healthy future.

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