Devils and Angels

I have two devils on my shoulders

One who tells me what I can’t do

The other tells me why not

No space for angles or saving grace to save me from myself

The devils take up all the space

I have two devils on my shoulders

One who tells me what I can’t do

The other tells me why not

There is a time when I thought I’d pushed them off

Flicked them into an abyss

But one came back at told me that they just went for a walk

And as he was helping the other back up

Told me they wanted me to get strong so they could tear me down again

As the other finished climbing on the other shoulder

He told me how they’d do it

They took all the success I had made and told me it wasn’t mine

One told me I didn’t do it

The other told me why

Instead of believing it was God who did it for me, I began to believe that he did it for someone else.

Somehow my small victories seemed like worn and withered trophies on the back of the shelf

One laughed and told me I’d never amount to anything

The other told me why

I tried to shed pounds for vanity’s sake, for health’s sake, to like myself

I never looked any different to me

I’d step out the shower and immediately close my eyes and grab for the towel

I don’t want to see me…I want to keep the vision of me constant…in perpetuity until it becomes reality

But I have these two devils on my shoulder

One pries my eyes open while the other tells me dreadful things

Tells me how I’ll never be any different

The other tells me why not

One day I got tired of their incessant chatter and just yelled aloud!

They seemed frightened and cowered down

See, no one can see these two devils or hear them but me

So when I spoke aloud they were frightened you see

They didn’t expect me to speak against their negativity

Every time these two devils would speak, I would say something that would make them grow weak

At one point they tried to convince me that I could never be rid of them even if they were small…because I was born with them and they’d grow once I would again begin to fall

But I realized they were liars and full of hate

They could no longer look down on me or, in the mirror, misconstrue my face

I realized there is life and death in the power of my tongue

I realized my power and I gave them none

The more encouraging I became the more they were ashamed

One ate the other to gain more strength

He became more vicious because he had double devil inside of him

But I was less weak because one shoulder was free

I now only had one devil on the side of me

With the weight lifted off of my body

I went to the alter and had a eulogy

I raised that hand in praise because it no longer bothered me

I place my former devil to rest and told him I’d miss him not…the other wasn’t dead yet but I showed him his burial plot

At the alter I gathered an angel…I had space to spare

I needed some encouragement to help me up there

The funny thing is, people could see my angel

And they encouraged me so

And when my devil started speaking, somehow someone would know

They’d say a prayer or give me the opportunity to speak

With all of this faith and love my devil grew weak

I went to the alter again

Not too long after the first time

I laid my last devil to rest

I picked up another angel friend of mine

She told me that she had been waiting a while but would never leave

For my Father had sent her to encourage me

I have two angels on my shoulders

One who tells me what I am

The other tells me why

I have no space for devils

I’m floating too high

No longer weighed down with negativity

The angels are taking me higher than I ever could see

I have two angels on my shoulders

One calls me blessed

The other calls me a sovereign queen

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