Christmas Season of Lights (Sestina)

I love to see Christmas decorations,
because it makes the evenings so bright.
Cheerful, colorful, twinkling lights,
that tell a story of a wonderful season.
A story of a time each year
when mankind is filled with good cheer.

Holiday times and holiday cheer
can be seen throughout the town, as decorations
appear all over, at this time of year.
Lights on rooftops, gables and trees shine bright.
Signs are hung proclaiming the season.
Yards and houses glow with colored lights.

But Christmas is much more than decorations and lights.
There is a reason for this season of cheer.
Though many have tried to remove Him from His season.
They have taken away His nativity decorations.
They have taken down His star so bright.
They remove a little more of Him each year.

They want the holiday Christmas provides each year.
They even decorate and hang lights.
Santa stands in their yards next to a tree so bright.
They partake in the season with no reason for cheer.
They don’t understand it’s more than decorations.
They create their own season within His season.

There are some for whom there is not a season.
They do not like seeing Christmas cheer each year.
They would prefer there were no decorations.
They would keep the streets dark of lights.
They are bothered by offerings of good cheer.
For them the holiday is never bright.

But in spite of all this, Christmas is bright.
There is a reason still for this season.
For millions in this world there is great cheer.
And in their hearts they look for it each year.
They need the joy that comes with the lights,
and the Santas, stars, trees and nativity decorations.

So give cheer and make Christmas bright
with decorations and colors of the season.
Christ is here each year in the season of lights.

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