Big Brother 13 Episode 16 Elimination/HOH Recap

Big Brother 13 Episode 16 Elimination/HOH

We start off with Julie Chen telling us it’s the battle of the season. She recaps the nominations and says that Lawon, in an unprecedented move, requests to be nominated and evicted, because he thinks he will come back with a special power. She chuckles as she says that there is no special power. The evicted houseguest will have to battle it out against the previous evicted houseguests that wins America’s Vote. The winner will be back in the game.

We pick up after the POV ceremony where Kalia nominates Lawon. Rachel is ecstatic because she thinks she can get the votes to stay, while Lawon decides to act like he is mad. We see Lawon’s diary room interviews where he tells us that he is on the block, and how he loves it. He thinks if he gets voted out of the house, that he has a 99% chance to come back in the game, with super powers. He also tells us that he made the boldest move that anyone in the Big Brother house could do. He sure got that right! He also tells us how he is going to put on his acting skills because he doesn’t want anyone to know that he volunteered to go up. He tries to fool the wrong person. Shelly always has to get to the bottom of something and she knew that Lawon wasn’t acting right. So she goes and asks Kalia if he volunteered, because that information had already made it around the house, and Kalia confirms it. Shelly then starts to question Lawon, who lies and says he didn’t have any idea that he was going up, and that he didn’t volunteer. Shelly keeps on until she gets all the information she needs. She now knows that Lawon is lying. The sad thing is that everyone knows he volunteered, but he goes around for about two days acting like he was mad at Kalia, and how he was going to put her and Daniele up, if he came back. He thought that everyone would start telling him a lot of information, but nobody did, because they all knew it was an act.

Rachel goes up to the HOH room to try to cut a deal with Kalia and Daniele. They tell her that what they say doesn’t leave the room. Kalia tells her that they have the votes to evict her or to keep her. Rachel tells them that she will not come after them and she will target floaters if she wins HOH. Rachel has no intention of keeping the deal. She quickly goes down and tells Jordan about what they were saying, she doesn’t tell her about the deal that they agreed on. Shelly comes in and they tell her all the information. Shelly tries to tell her that she shouldn’t listen to them. They had already told her that they were all going to vote for her to stay, but Rachel wouldn’t listen, she kept going back upstairs trying to get a deal that she didn’t need. Rachel then tells Shelly that they threatened her. They finally tell her that they will vote her out if she goes up there again.

Shelly still has Daniele and Kalia thinking she is with them. So she asks Daniele if they offered Rachel a deal, and then she tells Daniele that Rachel said, they had the votes to do whatever they wanted, plus that they threatened her. This pisses Daniele off because she doesn’t want anyone to know that they offered her a deal. So Kalia and Daniele have a conversation about Rachel going and telling the information that they talked about upstairs. They are going back and forth about who they should evict. Kalia says how dumb it is for Rachel to do that. Ah Kalia, I think nominating someone in your own alliance is pretty dumb also, sorry!

We see an interview with Ragan Fox from last season. Regan and Rachel had some great fights. Since leaving the Big Brother house they have became close friends. Ragan says they work out together, drink together, (Shocker!) and believe it or not, he is going to be in Rachel’s wedding party. The door bell rings and its Matt, also from last season. Not sure what good he did showing up, because he really didn’t add anything to the interview. Other then saying his favorite part of the season is where Porsche tells Rachel, that she has to stop with being sad, and Rachel becomes hysterical. Love how Ragan says that Rachel is cry-bernating. He using that expression for when she goes off crying. Ragan says she will snap out of it and that we will get feisty Rachel back. He also says that Rachel is like the killer at the end of a slasher movie, you can pump bullets into her, you can decapitate her, you can set her body on fire, but she will always pop up for one last scare.

Finally, we get to the live vote. With a vote of 6 to 0, Lawon has been voted out of the Big Brother house. As Lawon is beginning to say his goodbyes, Julie calls them back into the living room. She reminds them about the twist. She tells them that the previously evicted houseguests have been sequestered separately and that all week America has been voting to see which one will battle against this weeks evicted houseguest, for the rights to come back into the game. Rachel is shocked, she sits there with her mouth open as the audience laughs.

Julie interviews all the evicted houseguests and asks them if they are surprised by any of the evictions and they all are shocked that Brendon was voted out. Julie tells them that Lawon and Rachel was on the block, and that Lawon was voted out. They all seem shocked by that. So they know that whichever one America picks, will have to battle against Lawon. Julie quickly lets Keith and Cassi know that they are out of the running. Keith seems crushed. She says it was close but Brendon wins America’s Vote. Rachel starts jumping up and down as she hears the news. Lawon looks like someone punched him in the gut.

The competition is called That’s How We Roll. They are going to shoot different color balls out into the yard, each color will have the name of a houseguest. Whoever gets a complete set of the 14 houseguests in their slot quickest, or whoever is closest after three minutes, will return to the game. Immediately after it starts, we hear Rachel screaming for Brendon, she starts shouting the different color balls that he needs. Brendon easily beats Lawon, who looks sick. Daniele doesn’t look much better, as she is over on the sidelines with arms crossed and a pissed off look on her face. Lawon is shocked. I really feel bad for him, but he really should have known better.

The HOH competition will be played after the show is over, and will be shown on Sundays episode. I’m not really shocked that Brendon won America’s Vote, because all week long I’ve been seeing people post on message boards and he had a lot of people voting for him. Not that everyone who voted for him liked him, but a lot of Jeff and Jordan fans voted for him. There is also the anti Dani fans, they voted for him because they think it will hurt her game the most. I’m not looking forward to seeing 30 minutes of them on every show, but maybe CBS will finally start showing some of the newbies. I think Shelly is about to be found out, for all her hidden alliances, but she is still playing a good game. Should be a good week!

Lawon’s eviction interview.


The HOH competition was played after the live show was over. The winner of the HOH competition is Daniele.

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