A Healthy Diet for a Pet Parrot

There is a common belief that a parrot can be fed a diet composed only of seeds, and it will be healthy and strong. Yes, the seed diet is the easy way to feed a parrot, and yes, it is enough to keep a parrot happy. But is it allowing the bird to be healthy?

Many pet shops will tell you that you can feed your parrot a special mix of seeds and dried fruits, but this is not enough to keep the parrot healthy and strong. A parrot needs a variety of foods consisting of items like fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and even some treats your parrot might like such as cheese or chicken. A parrot’s dietary needs are actually not unlike a human’s. They will eat most foods that we eat, but the trick is to give them the right ones. Not many foods are harmful to a parrot, but an owner must be careful not to feed their bird avocado, banana or buttery items like peanut butter that could be difficult for a bird to swallow. Different species of birds will have different foods they can tolerate so check what specific foods your bird can eat before giving them whatever you have.

The rule I use is that a parrot should always have access to at least four bowls of different kinds of foods and a fifth bowl for water. Bowls could be organized by food groups where each bowl might have a couple of different kinds of food. An example of a day’s food for a parrot could be as follows: tomato and lettuce in one bowl, grapes and plums in a second bowl, seed and nuts in a third, a bit of chicken or cheese in a fourth, and water in a fifth. The above arrangement of food is a healthy option for a parrot and if your bird is fed this way every day with a new arrangement of food daily, then you should see your bird more active and strong when compared with a seed only diet.

One thing to remember when feeding a parrot this way is that the food must be replaced every day. Vegetables and fruits can go bad quickly and if they are left out for too long they could potentially make your bird sick. The same goes for water as water is often soiled by the bird and should therefore be replaced as often as possible. A bird should not go a day without water! Also make sure that any fruits and vegetables are chopped into amounts that are easy for a bird to swallow and digest (size of food will vary with species of bird). Finally, be careful with the amount of seed your bird eats because most birds will favor seed over other foods (much like a human will favor some foods over others). If you notice your bird eating seed but not any of the other foods that you put out, then you should try to decrease the amount of seed you give your bird.

This method of feeding a parrot is one that I have used for my African Grey parrot and I definitely noticed my bird being more active, strong, and friendly compared to other birds whose owners had their birds on a seed based diet; my bird was never sick. The healthy method for feeding a parrot is much more work than just giving your bird seeds every day but it is important for the health of your bird. Your parrot deserves a diet that will ensure a quality life and this means that you will have to prepare your bird’s healthy meals much like you would your own. A healthy parrot is a happy one.

Reference: Low, Rosemary. The Parrot Companion: Caring for Parrots, Macaws, Budgies, Cockatiels & More. Richmond Hill, Ont.: Firefly, 2006. Print.

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