5 Resolutions with My Grown Children

Twenty years ago my new year’s resolutions as a parent were far different than they are today. Back then I had three children ranging in age from nine to five and I was expecting my fourth. My goals then were to be a loving mother who was always there for them, to help them learn to be responsible individuals, to keep them healthy, to make sure that they were successful with their education, and to keep them safe. My personal goal was to do all the above with patience.

Today my youngest son is 15 and my other children are grown and leading their own lives. So what kind of a parenting new years resolution could I possibly have? Resolutions speak of improving, do I really need to improve? The answer is a definite yes… there is room for improvement, so here they are:

1. Be supportive and available for them when they need me.

2. Keep the lines of communication open.

3. Give them the space they need. (Allowing those apron strings to loosen up.)

4. Live my life in a way that is a good example for my children.

5. Host a monthly family get together for all my children when possible.

My oldest son is 29 and married and his needs are much different than the needs of my

15 year old son. My youngest son still needs me to use my parenting skills in guiding him thru his adolescence years. My older children no longer need to be parented but they still need to know that mom is here for them.

So as a mother of a teenager here are my parenting goals regarding my 15 year old son:

1. Help motivate my son to stay in school.

2. Speak positive towards him and give sincere compliments to boost his self esteem.

3. Keep my home in way that will encourage him to bring his friends home with him to hang out.

4. Allow my son to be responsible for his own choices.

5. Have at least one sit down meal with my son each day when possible.

Above all this year I want to make sure that all my children, including my daughter-in-law, know that I love them. I want to show them my love without my smothering them with my love. My love for my children is unconditional so no matter what they do I am here for them.

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