11/11/11 Prompts Close of Egyptian Pyramid – is 11 a Conspiracy Number?

COMMENTARY | As reported in an article by the Huffington Post, Egypt’s antiquities authority have closed down the largest of the Giza pyramids, the pyramid of Khufu, also known as Cheops, due to rumors of possible ritual ceremonies being performed there at 11:11 a.m. on Friday, 11/11/11. The head of Egypt’s antiquities authority, Mustafa Amin, said that the pyramid would be closed until Saturday morning for “necessary maintenance.” It has been suggested that possible ritual ceremonies performed by Jewish and Masonic groups were planned because the number 11 is powerful to certain groups. What is the conspiracy behind the number 11?

Many conspiracy theorists are at a consensus that the number 11 holds special estoeric powers for secret groups and societies like the Freemasons and the Illuminati, a supposedly secret organization of elitists whose ultimate goal is to set up a new world order with a one-world government. According to these conspiracies, the number 11 holds significance as a ritual, master number because in numerology, the number cannot be reduced to a single digit.

But what does the number 11 have to do with the Egyptian pyramids?

Researchers and conspiracy theorists say that ancient Egyptian mythology and practices are at the core of the Freemasons and Illuminati’s secret knowledge. According to legend, it was this secret knowledge for building the pyramids that was carried on through the Freemasons throughout the centuries, and that this knowledge and power come from a higher source, or “The Great Architect,” as Freemasons acknowledge.

Conspiracy theorists who claim that the founding of the United States was steeped in Freemasonic and Illuminati symbology, point to the pyramid on the one-dollar bill. They say that the pyramid represents freemasonry and that the one eye on top of the pyramid is “The Great Architect” of the Freemasons. This could be very plausible considering that many of America’s founding fathers, like George Washington, were indeed Freemasons.

Whether or not there is a secret conspiracy with the number 11, Egyptian authorities found it plausible enough to close the great pyramid of Giza.


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