The Ship of the Troubled & Trampled

The beasts of land came to be

One named A and one named B

They saw a palm tree

And waded through the waters

To reap the fruit of thee

But they almost drowned

Afraid of their own weakness

And to make their way back

They cut down a tree

Made a boat to stay afloat

And now their skin is turned

Basked in the heat of the burn

And she’s got a lime in the coconut

Or so it says

Your opposite is evil

He has needs

He’ll screw you

Like only a brother can

Take your land, your woman

Your worth

He’ll become your obsession

If you let him

While the flower-girl kneels

And prays for a man

It says you’re not meant to drift

But your mind often does

Your brother is not your twin

Think solar

Think cosmic

Forget blood

Forget worries

Think solar

Think cosmic

The goldmine of

Yours and Mine

Has not been found yet

Keep searching for a


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