The Joy of Shopping: On Christmas Eve Day

As I was greeted by a strange man named Clyde,

a little old lady pushed a cart in my side.

” Fun it will be…” is all I could say,

as I went shopping on Christmas Eve Day.

I went to electronics to see what they had,

All the shelves were empty, it started off bad.

My wife called my cell, she had something to say:

as I went shopping on Christmas Eve Day.

She asked me to pick up some odds and some ends,…things she forgot, the latest cool trends.

” In aisle two, up to the right, you’ll see a display with a giant green light”

” grab four of those and head to toys…you’ve got to get a few things for the boys”

In aisle two nothing was there, all of the shoppers had picked it bare.

So, off to the toys I started to stroll, finding the boy’s things, was my next goal.

My wife called again, ’cause this is her way…

as I went shopping on Christmas Eve Day.

” Any luck with the things under the light? I found some more stuff on a cool website,”

” see if they have those things that we saw, while we were shopping last week at the mall.”

::Click:: No wife, she hung up the phone, all I could hear was an audible tone.

I got to the toys and what did I see? A giant stampede headed straight towards me.

I ducked and I dodged, I weaved and I fell, This shopping day was a tale to tell.

A kid stepped on me, there as I lay,

as I went shopping on Christmas Eve Day.

I called my wife back she asked,”what’s wrong?”…I started to cry, “This day has been long!”

This day is getting worse and no gifts to show, no tape, no paper, not even a bow.

” No things were left not even the toys, I don’t know what we can get for the boys”.

She assured me that things… would be alright, As I witnessed a few ladies fight.

” You’ll find the right gift, I’m sure that you will, (sarcasm) you are the one with the shopping skill!

Now it was time to do it my way…

as I went shopping on Christmas Eve Day.

I went to the front and picked out a line, 12 items or less would work out just fine.

A lady asked why, I had no cart, Not enough time in the day, to even start.

” You have no items, was there anything you missed, My name is Jolene how may I assist?”

I smiled and said,”I’ve found all I need, I’ve applied my wife’s rules and followed her creed”.

Extravagant shopper I am not, but gifts for everyone all in one spot?

Happiness came over me, as I started to pay,

as I went shopping on Christmas Eve Day.

I arrived at home with nothing in hand, an explanation my wife did demand!

” Honey you said it was up to me, So I selected gifts that fit under the tree”.

“I searched and searched for the perfect gift, but the store was closing it was soon third shift.”

“The gifts that I got are fit for a king, You can use them to get just about anything.”

The amount will cover the gift they desire, they whip out this gift and become the buyer.

Hopefully these cards will bring some delight,

I’m glad to be home this Christmas Eve Night.

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