The Deadliest Questions

The door quietly parted ways between my room and the hall way of fate for me. My breath suddenly became slow and I realized a lonely intruder was here and inside my house… I asked myself will quietly with fear in my heart, will I die tonight? The door cracked up and a masked white sold figure of plan clothing appeared peeping into my room… with my eyes shut I gasped for air and didn’t come up until I felt I was save from harm. Time took forever but the figure moved on as I held my eyes shut with the blankets hoping to see another day or even a piece of sunlight telling me it would be ok. Thump! A crash came from the kitchen and I quietly opened my eyes in hopes of seeing an empty room in which I could react too. But I found my desk a mess and my computer smashed blindly by a bat explaining to me pretty clearly to get out of here and find the police.

So I quickly and almost silently leaped from my bed and made my way through my room to the door of my fate. Where I quickly ran through the door and found three men beating the kitchen to nothingness where I was able to get to the garage door and slam it open. I run for the drive way through my garage door that was left open by these thugs and screamed for help as one grabbed me. I was thrown into my closet were one told me to scream for my life because nobody will come to save me. As I screamed I was able to grab a hanger from the floor of my deep closet. With this new tool of light I grabbed the man by the face with my hand and stuck the hanger into his chest, kicking and screaming to let me go. Blood flew from his chest into my face as I pushed harder and pushed him off, allowing me to escape with a blood but useful weapon. I stormed to my front door and forgot about the garage door in hopes to avoid any more problems. But as I ran to the front door I realized I can’t run to the police anymore… I just killed a man.

As the door opened and the weapon was clearly visible from my hand I tossed it into the neighbor’s yard and ran for my life. My heart beat rose and my emotions sored from being scared to guilt… and sorrow. So I ran and ran until I found a place to hide, where I would feel a lot more save and comfortable but my mind continued to race. I wondered what would happen if I went to the police…. I wondered about my parents and if they were ok…. I wondered if dyeing would have been so much better than this or would it have been the same bitter tasting feeling. Will I ever recover from killing and running…. Will I be the same after this…? What do I do…. What can I do I am only 12…. A child in this world needs help and has no say…. A tiny boy like me couldn’t kill…. Could this truly be the end of my childhood? What is there for me to do at this point?

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