Simple Steps on How to Get Rid of Pet Dander

It is no secret that many folks are allergic to animals, however the misconception is that the dog or cat’s fur is the culprit in causing the allergies. That is quite far from the truth. It is the dander under a pet’s fur that causes allergic reactions in people. When you decide to adopt and bring a new member into the family, you don’t give much thought to the excess fur and dander it leaves around the home. That seems to be a minor concern for most people who feel the unconditional love and loyalty of their pets. However, if you or someone in the family is allergic, it is cause for concern – as well as visitors to your home. More folks are allergic to cat dander than from dogs. So, how do you get rid of pet dander?

Pet dander is also known as “pet pollen.” It can cause a serious problem for allergy sufferers. When someone suffers from allergies to pets, the assumption is that the fur is causing the problem. It is not the hair but the scuffed off dead skin under the fur that causes the allergies. Pets shed these dead skin cells quite often, with the older animal doing so much more often than the younger pet. Dander is so minute that it is not easily seen by the naked eye. As a result, the dander is easily transported into the air we breathe as well as it settles on clothing, bedding, carpets, furniture and drapes.

So, how do you get rid of pet dander? Well, the first step is, if you don’t have a pet and do have allergies, don’t get a pet. No pet – slim chance of pet dander. If you must have a pet, choose one with short hair and no drooling habits. These pets will shed but there is minimal dander. Pets with no dander are non-existent.

Try to keep one room in your home pet-free in case of visitors that stay over. A perfect non-pet room would be a bedroom. The rest of the home should be vacuumed often and especially before visitors are coming over. That includes vacuuming furniture as well as keeping curtains and drapes clean.

Use an air-purifier to keep the indoor air clean from pet dander that may be transporting in the air. If you are allergic, clean your pet’s sleep area and belongings while wearing a mask. Wash everything in hot soapy water. At the same time, bathe your pet often.

There are more tips that you can follow in resolving pet dander at the Global Healing Center. Just as I, most animal lovers will do whatever they should to provide a happy, healthy home for the pets and family alike. The special gifts a pet can give far outweighs a few problems with dander that a little extra cleaning can handle.

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