Should My Homeschoolers Use Computers, and How Much Should They Use Them?

Qu estion: My kids , like so many other, love their computers and want to use them extensively in homeschooling. They type their papers on the computer. They research. They use sites they say are educational. I would like to see them use pencil and paper more. Where should I draw the line?

Answer: While there are some homeschoolers that feel that children should not use computers or watch TV at all, I have a different opinion. In this uber-technological world, we would be lost without computers. Likewise, your kids would be lost if they tried to enter the workforce without computer skills. I feel like as homeschoolers, we have the upper hand when it comes to access to computers. So many kids have to learn the old fashioned way, with a lecture and tests, why not let the kids utilize the computer as much as possible.

Still, you are right, there is a line that should be drawn. When kids use the Internet exclusively for homeschooling, they tend to not have poor handwriting and also they can strain their eyes. They should spend just as much time off the computer as they do on, even if that off time is for physical education, or hands-on projects. They should be reading from real books and printed pages, and all of their reading should not be close up as is so common with a computer.

When they are homeschooling on the computer, the time spent should be truly educational. Choose the websites that you would most desire they use like math videos, science and history games, and reading comprehension exercises. Make it clear what sites they should and should not be searching for information, as some are just a waste of time. (Also I am assuming that you already have child safety blocks in place.)

Also, have them keep notes for each subject, and not keep all of their notes on the computer. This information can easily be lost. In my kids notebooks, they take notes as they watch educational videos, and they may complete assignments in pencil. When they do complete an assignment on the computer, they must print it and tape it into their notebooks for safe keeping.

So to answer your question, let them use the computer for homeschooling, but make sure they do reading and writing aside from the computer as well. In addition, police and check the sites they are using for educational value and child safety.

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