Know the Signs of Pregnancy in the First Month

There are some signs of pregnancy in the first month but different women may feel different symptoms or it is possible to not have any symptoms at all. Some women go for months without knowing they are pregnant. Women who are trying to get pregnant can be more sensitive to changes going on in her body than women who get pregnant unexpectedly.

One sign of pregnancy in the first month is that the woman notices some spotting which is due to the fetus attaching to the uterus. During this time the woman may also have mood swings, feel some slight cramping and breast tenderness. All of these signs of pregnancy could be easily misconstrued as having a period.

Two key hormones during pregnancy, hCG and progesterone, are largely responsible for some of the early symptoms a woman might feel in the first month of pregnancy. Some signs of pregnancy in the first month include:

Feeling tired Frequent urination Feeling nauseous Food cravings or the desire not to eat or not eat certain foods Feeling faint Headaches Increased appetite Backache – especially in the lower back A heightened sense of smell or a diversion to some odors Enlarged breasts

A missed period could really be the only sign that a woman is pregnant. Some women claim that they felt the moment of conception or they might have an intuitive feeling that they are pregnant within the first month.

Whether a mom-to-be has symptoms or not, at a gestational age of one month, the actual age of the fetus may only be two weeks. Because the exact date of conception is often not known, the doctor starts counting when the woman’s last menstrual cycle ended. This can be a little confusing but it is the best estimate of the age of a baby in the womb. A full term pregnancy is then between 37 and 42 weeks.

It is good to remember that every woman is different and some may have every sign of pregnancy in the first month while other women may feel none at all. These signs can also differ in the same woman but with different pregnancies. Sometimes a woman will feel nauseous during the first month of pregnancy and the next time feel nauseous throughout the whole pregnancy. Whether a woman has symptoms or not does not usually affect the health of the developing baby.

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