Hangover First Aid — 4 Popular Methods

It is not uncommon for some folks to wake up in the morning, after a night of partying, with something other than Giuseppe Verdi’s “Anvil Chorus” playing within their heads. Banging headaches, nausea, and a few other symptoms of alcoholic distress belong to those who pay the price for overindulging the night before. Science has not yet provided a sure cure for the common hangover but when the discomfort becomes intolerable, one may try a few of the most common remedies.

Prepare something to eat, as soon as you can, after you finish your morning ablutions. Foods that contain fat and protein seem to help, so tuck into a plate of bacon and eggs with a few pieces of toast on the side. Drink a cup of coffee, or other caffeinated beverage, with your meal.

Drink a few glasses of juice if you feel your body isn’t quite ready for solid food. Follow up the juice with cold water. These fluids will help replace the liquids lost via dehydration caused by the alcohol. Quite often a bowl of bouillon with a few crackers does wonders to improve your potassium level.

Return to bed and rest. Make sure the shades or blinds stay closed and make yourself horizontal again as soon as possible after you eat or drink something. While you rest your body will assimilate the food and beverages you took in and you should feel better after your nap.

Call on Nature and let it take its course. Time cures many things; and the passing of time helps to reverse the effects of a hangover. If you have consumed a large measure of alcohol your hangover probably is severe and more time will need to elapse before you begin to feel better. The fewer drinks you consume — the less time it’ll take you to recover.

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