Five Great Ways to Save Money in College

Pursuing a college education is an expensive path to travel. From tuition, fees, books, housing and transportation, the costs of college can add up quickly. Money can feel as if it’s impossible to stretch far enough when you’re in college, but there are ways to save money while going to college.

Buy used textbooks
Of course, your school bookstore probably offers used books for a fraction of the cost of brand new books, however, these prices are likely inflated as well. If you prepare well enough in advance, you can find your books online for just a few cents on the dollar. My favorite way to find books is by using the Bigwords search engine. I simply type in the ISBN of the book I’m looking for and Bigwords automatically finds me the cheapest price available. What’s even better, is that when I’m done with my books, I can enter the ISBN into Bigwords search engine and Bigwords will automatically find me the highest buyback price.

Take your pre-requisites at a community college
Nearly every degree requires some time of general education requirements. These courses, such as basic English, math and communication are offered at nearly any college. You can save even more money by sticking close to home and taking these courses at your local college and then transferring to the school you intend to attend. This is an even better way to approach it if you have friends or family you can stay with while you’re taking these courses to cut down on your living expenses.

Take advantage of your student ID
It might seem a little odd, but anytime you spend money somewhere, inquire as to whether or not they offer a student discount. Many establishments offer discounts to students upon presentation of a valid student ID card. This discount isn’t always advertised, so be sure to ask when the cashier is ringing you up.

Cut out bad habits
College can be stressful, but cutting out bad habits, such as smoking and drinking can save you a lot of money. Cigarettes and beer might not seem expensive, but over a semester, their cost can add up to quite a significant chunk of change.

Evaluate your housing expenses
Living in a dorm might seem fun and exciting, but it may not be your least expensive option. When you decide to go to college, carefully examine your housing options. Staying with family or friends for free or cheap can be a pretty sweet deal, but if this isn’t an option, consider a cheap apartment with a couple roommates near the school.

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