Deeper, More in Depth, Meaning of First Name & Last Name Vanessa {Navarro}:

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I will show you a more deeper, in depth meaning of my own name, Vanessa Navarro.
In case you haven’t noticed, the name Vanessa Navarro, is a very common name depending on where you live.
The first name Vanessa is common but the last name Navarro is a unpopular name in the United States. It means “Butterfly,” Or “Pretty Flying Creature.”
The last name Navarro in Mexico, however, is very common and a beautiful last name which means “Great Plains,” Or “Spread Out Field.”
If your name is Vanessa Navarro like mine is, then you have come to the right place.
I will read you just like a open book.
People who have the same full name and nationality (We are both Mexican) Act, talk, and think the same.
Here Are A Few Facts About You :
Something you probably don’t know is that you are a very creative writer. (Shhh! I didn’t know this until my own Mother complimented me on my very own book I was trying to write at age 14-15.)
You are also very emotional and you have your own little world.
When someone enters your life, you feel very close to them.
Your relationship between your family isn’t that great.
You love your parents but you don’t necessarily have a good, secure relationship with either of them.
Sometimes you feel like everything happens for a reason, but you can never figure out why it’s happening to you.
Your horoscope is either Aquarius, Pisces, Or Scorpio. You have been hurt many times. You feel guilty most of the time but then you remember you still have a little hope left in you. Your relationship between your friends is very close, but you don’t just pick one person to tell your secrets to.

Down Below, Here Are Commonly Asked Questions That I Can Answer You :

When will I meet the love of my life?
It depends, your love life will quickly turn around because of a special someone who has a MASSIVE crush on you. You have been thinking about a serious change in your love life as well. Be careful! Don’t let anyone take advantage of you. Their is a special someone who could cause great pain to you.
Sometimes I hate my life. Is there a reason why? You might be going through the same stage as me. At one point in my life I had been emotionally abused many times. You could be going through the same thing. No one knows EXACTLY why you might not love your life at this point but I do know that if you keep strong, no one can break you down.
Will I ever get divorced? Yes, it could be very possible. In fact, I have been divorced as well. The reason is because you are very stubborn at times and that is defiantly something you want to avoid in a marriage.

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