4 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions in your body commonly associated with turning food into calories so that you can have energy for work. Many people complain of a ‘slow metabolism’ and how it limits them, so is there any way that these people can possible boost their metabolism? Luckily enough, there are quite a few ways for you to boost your metabolism that are simple and easy for everyday people!


This seems like a very standard answer, but exercising is a great way to boost your metabolism with a few after effects. Not only does exercising boost your metabolism for the moment, but it also keeps your metabolism at an elevated level for hours to come. This is special because it causes you to metabolize the food you eat after exercising even faster.

Eat Smaller Meals More Frequently

Eating five smaller meals a day makes it easier for your body to metabolizing the incoming food, rather than three large meals. This is more commonly referred to as grazing or eating smaller meals in place of a few large ones. A common strategy is calculating the number of calories you consume in larger meals, and split the number of calories evenly into a larger number of meals. It’s vitally important to eat though; people who don’t eat enough are often subject to weight gain because they got some food, but not enough to properly support their cells.

Try to Reduce Stress

How can stress possibly cause me to gain weight and have a higher metabolism? Stress is related to a steroid called cortisol, which slows metabolism. This can lead to weight gain in the stomach. The only way to avoid this is simply to find ways to reduce the stress put on you put on yourself or to avoid it altogether.


This appears to be another no-brainer, but many people struggle with this. Without a proper amount of sleep, seven to eight hours a night, you are subject to a higher metabolism and weight gain. If you’re having trouble sleeping, consult your local physician or try to exercise before you go to sleep.

These are a few ways you can boost your metabolism, most of these are common sense methods that people just often don’t think could be related. There are many more methods out there, so don’t give up and you’ll be feeling much slimmer in no time at all!

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