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What is atenelol

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A:Atenolol is a drug that can be used to treat cardiovascular diseases and conditions such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, angina and to treat and reduce the risk of heart complications following a heart attack. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-atenelol ]
More Answers to “What is atenelol
Atenolol is in a group of drugs called beta-blockers. Beta-blockers affect the heart and circulation (blood flow through arteries and veins). Atenolol is used to treat angina (chest pain) and hypertension (high blood pressure). It is also u…
n trade name: Nova-Atenol, Tenormin; drug class: antihypertensive, selective β1 blocker; action: produces fall in blood pressure without reflex tachycardia or significant reduction in heart rate; uses: acute myocardial infarction, mild-to-m…
Atenolol is in a group of drugs called beta-blockers. Beta-blockers affect the heart and circulation (blood flow through arteries and veins). Atenolol is used to treat angina (chest pain) and hypertension (high blood pressure). It is also u…

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The pharmacy gave me the wrong miligrams of Atenelol what should I do?
Q: I am supposed to take 5 miligrams and the pharmacy gave me 100 miligrams, i noticed because the pills were so much larger than my normal pills. i did not take them. The Pharmacy is a state pharmacy. i guess i just need some feedback as to maybe hypethitically if i had taken it would it have stopped my heart? and shouldn’t somebody be more responsible than to make such a huge mistake? thanks for any input.
A: First off you did the correct thing in not taking the 100mg dosage. Now you should call your physician and get the correct prescription dose written on a prescription pad and take it or mail it to this pharmacy. Whether it be state ran or not is not the point the wrong dosage was dispensed and yes you could have had serious if not fatal complications.People are human and do make mistakes however most pharmacies have a list of what medications and strengths you are currently taking . It was a gross mistake that needs to be reported to the staff at the pharmacy and higher up on the scale including the state pharmacy board. Had you taken the pill it may have been fatal, I assume this medication is a daily med for your bp and if you only have the 100mg pills you have no choice but to call your doctor as i said and get the right pills and continue to take them as you shouldn’t be off them. I would even try a different pharmacy if i could. good luck call the doctor get your correct dosage and take your medication.
problems at night when I take atenelol?
Q: I was Rx-ed atenelol about a year ago for palpitations. I had normal ekg and holter monitor…my palpitations seemed to go away (and my shaky hands) but every now and again I am bothered in my sleep by a panicky feeling. My heart feels like its completely out of whack..it goes from fast to slow then flutters…it almost seems like its confused about what it should be doing (best way I can explain how irregular and how unpredictable my symptoms are) I don’t feel light headed or nausuas. I don’t feel sharp stabbing pains, but I do feel uncomfortable. I feel a bit crampy or gassy right between my rib cage and it goes towards my back…I sometimes worry that I’m going to have a heart attack. It makes me anxious so and I do have an anxiety problem so I’m not sure what is happening. If its in my head and just anxiety or is my heart really doing things it shouldn’t be doing…when I saw my md abou this last she brushed it off as if it happnes to everyone….but I’m not satisfied with that. (In the process of finding a new MD)…until I do…I had another “episode” last night and the last 3 nights before this. ANd even during the day I am feeling “Off”…I just don’t know how to explain this. ANyone can tell me anything in between md visits???also…is it possible to have a heart attack and not know it? LIke you have a very minor heart attack and your heart heals itself or soemthing…I know people have strokes and not know it and then it shows up later *(the dr can tell a person how many strokes they have had by however they can tell Idk)
A: Your symptoms seem more consistent w/ anxiety/panic, not the heart. Perhaps you are experiencing side effects from atenolol because you don’t need heart medication. Atenolol is not going to do much to resolve heart racing due to anxiety.Finding a provider who will listen to your concerns sounds like a great first step. If your palpitations go away on their own & do not result in passing out, they probably do not point to a serious heart problem.By the way, up to 20% of heart attacks are “silent” meaning the person is unaware that they have had one. However, you sound pretty young and again your sypmos are not consistent w/ heart disease
How to get rid of a headache?
Q: I’ve been to the ER, my reguar doctor, and headache specialist, I’ve followed their instructions (stretching, relaxing…) and am taking Atenelol (for about a month now) and have neproxen and amerge for the real bad ones. I also know (mostly) what foods I should avoid, but I still have a headache pretty much every day (mostly minor ones, and I’m just lightly dizzy every day) I haven’t had a completely headache/dizziness free day in over a month. I get plenty of sleep, am not stressed out, or read/use the computer excessively. Are there any home remedies, or simple tricks I can try to relieve them? The headache specialist, and ER doctors have suggested it may be tension headaches or migraines. I also had a normal CAT scan. When I get these headaches they are pretty debilitating (sensitive to smells, tired, irritated, can’t concentrate)
A: chinese medicine defines headaches by the location of pain and the additional symptoms. sounds like you might have liver yang rising or gallbladder/liver damp heat or even blood deficiency. go and get a treatment from a decent acupuncturist in your area. i bet you’ll get some pretty swift results.
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