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How long after you come in contact with the flu virus do you show symptoms

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Most healthy adults can infect others one day before they begin experiencing symptoms and up to five days after they become sick. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-long-after-you-come-in-contact-with-the-flu-virus-do-you-show-symptoms ]
More Answers to “How long after you come in contact with the flu virus do you show symptoms
How long after you come in contact with the flu virus do you show…?
Most healthy adults can infect others one day before they begin experiencing symptoms and up to five days after they become sick.

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Q: So for example the time it takes from when you come in contact with another person who has a cold/cough to when you start to show the symptoms
A: a week to 10 days
STD questions!! help please i hate reading and learning about this stuff XD lol?
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A: Gee, why don’t you try doing your own homework.
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