Where is the best place to hit someone in a fight

Where is the best place to hit someone in a fight

Health related question in topics Fitness Recreation Sports .We found some answers as below for this question “Where is the best place to hit someone in a fight”,you can compare them.

Throw a fast right hook immediately, and catch them off guard. Happy ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-is-the-best-place-to-hit-someone-in-a-fight ]
More Answers to “Where is the best place to hit someone in a fight
Where is the best place to hit someone in a fight?
I’ve fought in 400 – 500 fights in my life without losing, I was a bullies bully I only fought people that thought they could fight. I’ve been hit in the nuts,eyes, kidneys basically every part of my body. The only place that would get my a…
What is the best place to hit someone in the first hit of a fight…?
The Nose. Period, if youve ever been hit in the nose then you know your eyes start watering and you cant see anything. Its not easy fighting blind either, Ive done it.
What are the weakest spots to hit someone in a fight?
Between thighs. ANSWER: I have four answers for this. But let me say this first, ONLY USE THIS IN SELF DEFENSE, when all other options are exausted. As a paremedic in Atlanta, I had to deal with unwanted situations where its either them or …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

where is the most effective place to hit someone in a fight?
Q: i think some guy from my neighboured in going to jump me or something ive had beef with him before, police wont do anything, talking didnt solve it..ive never been in a fight…its not a life or death thing where i wanna kill him but where is the best place to hit him on a first punch that will disable him to a point where i could win the fight?
A: On a first punch? The most common place to go is the the chin. The chin if hit at a 45 degree angle puts most fighters out cold. Look at the source for the fight between Liddell and Evans. However if you can avoid the fight do so, otherwise just be smart. Going for the ultimate punch may not save you. Good Luck!
Where is the best place to hit someone in a fight?
A: I’ve fought in 400 – 500 fights in my life without losing, I was a bullies bully I only fought people that thought they could fight. I’ve been hit in the nuts,eyes, kidneys basically every part of my body. The only place that would get my attention and I noticed would drop the other person the fastest was in the throat, it stops their breathing and causes them to go into shock because of it. I never felt the shock I’ve caused on others but not being able to breath caused me to stop my assault on them til it returned.
what is the best place to hit someone in the first hit of a fight?
Q: I have been gettin into some fights lately and I wanted to know where I should hit the other person first to really give me an advantage.
A: The Nose. Period, if youve ever been hit in the nose then you know your eyes start watering and you cant see anything. Its not easy fighting blind either, Ive done it.

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