What is the average weight for males in the US

What is the average weight for males in the US

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The average weight for an adult male in the United States is 189.8 pounds. The average height is 5 feet 9.2 inches. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-average-weight-for-males-in-the-us ]
More Answers to “What is the average weight for males in the US
What is the average weight a forty year old male living in the US…?
That would depend on the height of that male.
What is the average weight for males?
NOOOO… Don’t lose weight. If you are a 5’10” male, you should weigh between 160 and 180. A lot of depends on your age. When I was 15 or 16 I tried VERY hard to gain weight for football. I was 5’9″ and weighed 150. I worked out, …
How much weight can average 15 year old males lift??
Im 5’9 130, 15 years old and a couple months, and I max out at 110. But considering that I have never touched weights in my life before 2 months ago when I started track, thats a big improvement, from less than 90 to 110 in two months.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Average height?
Q: What do you guys think the average height/weight for females and males are in the US? The statistics say 5″9.75 for men, and 5″4 for women but that has to be wrong, no? I’m 5″9 and I’m pretty athletic at 165lbs (19 yrs old) but feel small as hell everywhere I go. Please post your age too because I think younger generations are growing taller. If i had to guess, I’d say average male height is 5″10.5 and female height is 5″6.
A: The overall average height is 5’9.75″ or so for men, but that includes older men from a generation that didn’t grow as tall as the current one. I’d wager that your 5’10.5″ guess is pretty accurate for men between 18 and 30.
Does anyone else believe that most of us are on hormone therapy? Let me explain…?
Q: Have you noticed that in every generation, the children are getting bigger and developing earlier than the previous generation? I see high school girls that have bodies like barbie dolls and the boys look like pro wrestlers. I don’t remember seeing girls like that when I was in high school. My opinion is that it comes from milk, beef, and chicken. The hormones and steroids they feed the cows and chickens to produce more milk and grow faster is entering our bodies directly as we eat them. I saw a show on Discovery Ch. that says a chicken can be fully grown in 30 to 45 days. Incredible! Girls are hitting puberty 3 years earlier than just 50 years ago. Average height in 1960 was 5’8″ (men) and 5’3″ (women), now it’s 5’9 1/2″ and 5’4″, respectively. And average male weight went from 166 lbs to 191 lbs. A 25 lb. increase! Some blame the fast food industry, but I think it’s the hormones.What do you think?Is it a good thing or a bad thing for the human race? I don’t see it affecting adults so much, except for increased body weight and possibly the health problems that go along with that. But I can see it clearly in our children. I there anything we can do to stop it? Do we even want to?
A: No, I wouldn’t consider it as hormone therapy- a therapy directed to us….It just due to the effects of the various intake of processed food and vitamins…without us being aware of what’s really going with all of these combined- until many years of observation.
Please help with math problem for homework?
Q: The ratio of the birth weight to the adult weight of a male black bear us 3 : 1000. The average birth weight is 12 ounces. Find the average adult weight in pounds.please show me how to do it.
A: 250 pounds

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