What is a good exercise to do in your home with no workout equipment

What is a good exercise to do in your home with no workout equipment

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a good exercise to do in your home with no workout equipment”,you can compare them.

Ab exercises can be done almost anywhere with no equipment, as well as, push ups and jumping jacks. For a great calorie burning workout try going for a walk. You can try walking up a hill for extra calorie burning. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-exercise-to-do-in-your-home-with-no-workout-equipment ]
More Answers to “What is a good exercise to do in your home with no workout equipment
How do i get a good upper body workout without exercise equipment…?
You are already doing the right things. You could also use objects around your house as weights, such as water bottles, milk gallons, etc, so you can add some chest, bicep and tricep exercises. You can do tricep dips on a chair or sofa. You…
Do You Need Exercise Equipment to get a Good Workout ??
The answer depends on individual to individual but the absolute truth is no.  Gym equipment is not required to get a good workout.  Whether or not someone gets a good workout or not has more to do with motivation than gym equipment. Using g…
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A: I’ve been through the same thing. I started off with a set of dumbells from Walmart for about $15 and just did body resistance (crunches, push ups, dips using the bed, etc.) as well as dumbell exercises (theres so many of them!). This and running outside kept me busy for atleast three months. After that I decided to look into getting a bench. Check your local paper! I found a used set which includes a bench, bar, 200+ pounds of weight, a curl up bar, and two adjustable dumbells for only $100 off of someone. This is about $450 worth of equipment. I still run outside, but if it is cold or hot where you are, you might want a bike. They are smaller and cheaper than a treadmill, and in my opinion, better because they are easy on the knees.
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A: I understand your concern, I’ve heard of children getting their fingers caught in treadmills etc. I don’t know what your child’s schedule is like, but if it’s possible to do your routine while he is taking a nap that’s a thought. Another possibility is to exercise with your child with no equipment involved, such as going for a walk, throw on some music and dance around the living room with him. As far as another piece of equipment the elliptical machine is very good. Hope I helped with ideas.
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A: I agree about the dvd’s………Tae Bo for example is good.

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