Is it better to eat before the gym or after the gym

Is it better to eat before the gym or after the gym

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it better to eat before the gym or after the gym”,you can compare them.

For optimum performance, match your energy intake to your hourly energy needs, so it’s ok to eat before and or after the gym. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it better to eat before the gym or after the gym
Is it better to eat before gym or after?
both actually. before you work out you should eat something with carbs or protein. exercising on an empty stomach with no energy is not good, and actually breaks down your muscles. eat something energy sufficient before,and afterwards, eat …
Is it better to eat before the gym or after? i usually hit the gy…?
After, always after. You want your body to burn up the stored up energy. Eating aftwards is always best. Pick up ANY fitness magazine like “Muscle and Fitness”, “Muscle Mag” or any of the like and the “experts”…
Is it better to eat before working at the gym (cardio and weight …?
If your goal is to lose weight, it is better not to eat prior to doing cardio. The body will begin using energy from fat stores after the available blood sugar and carbohydrate reserves are used up. Generally, this occurs around 10 minutes …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is it better to eat before gym or after?
Q: i go to gym and i was wondering if it is better to have your tea before you go to gym or when you get back
A: Eat afterward. If you eat before, you will get physically ill during the exercise and create an embarrasing mess.
What is better to eat before gym: food with carbohydrates OR with protein?
A: It is better to eat BOTH — a small balanced meal/snack that will feed your muscles and give you energy. For instance, an apple w/a handful of nuts. Or, a half a peanut butter sandwich if you’re pressed for time. NEVER eat just protein OR carbs OR fat by itself. Always combine your nutrients.
i work out at night. is it better to eat before the gym or after? i usually hit the gym by 8pm.?
A: After, always after. You want your body to burn up the stored up energy. Eating aftwards is always best.Pick up ANY fitness magazine like “Muscle and Fitness”, “Muscle Mag” or any of the like and the “experts” will tell you the same thing. Eating before a workout is going to slow you down and plus then your body is not burning any of your stored fat. People shouldn’t just say before, they obviously have never taken the time to read any kind of data on working out and fitness if they do. Any legit magazine or workout/fitness show will verify that.

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