How many calories do you burn with one sit up

How many calories do you burn with one sit up

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories do you burn with one sit up”,you can compare them.

1 crunch (sit-up) burns only about 1/3 of a calorie. When done correctly u only need to do a few crunches. Cardio burns calories. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories do you burn with one sit up
How many calories do you burn with one sit up?
You burn 4.8 calories a minute doing sit ups.
How many sit ups burn 1 calorie?
one minute of sit-ups burns about 4.8 calories/minute 17500 sit-ups burns 3500 calories(1 pound)
Which one burns more Calories? Sit-ups or Crunches?
Both burn calories. ANY activity burns calories. I would not recommend sit-ups if you want to build your six pack abs. Sit-ups is bad for your back and neck (if you support it with your hands). Crunches is the best. To answer your question,…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how many calories does one sit up burn?
Q: or how many situps does it take to burn any amount of calories?
A: Probably not very many but sit-ups are bad for your back. Run up and down your stairs a couple times it’s good for your heart and more effective. Also I recommend
how many calories do you burn with one sit up?
Q: how many calories do you burn with one sit up?Just curious I know its probably like 1/2 a calorie or zero but idk
A: You burn 4.8 calories a minute doing sit ups.
How many calories does 1 sit up burn?
Q: How many calories does a sit up burn?
A: Well, 100 situps burns about 30 calories. So less than 1 calorie per sit up (0.3).

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