How is the best way to work out your abs

How is the best way to work out your abs

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All the machine and “magic” are just pizazz, the best way is just do crunches. Lots of them. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How is the best way to work out your abs
What is the best way to work out your abs?
Probley going to the gym a few times a week, but if not doing a bunch of crunches and push ups would really help!
What is the best way to work out my abs?
i would do multiple exercises cuz generally that works better. sorry if i describe these poorly 1.scissor leg thing: lie on your backand put both legs out in front of you, lift one leg a few inches off the ground then lift your other leg an…
Is There a Better Way to Work the Abs?—Is-There-a-Better-Way-to-Work-the-Abs?&id=1619140
Everyone wants to find the best way to work the abs and flatten them to a sexy shape. One of the most advertised abs machines is the Ab Rocket exerciser. You may have seen one of the many infomercials for this product. Now, I’ve never used …

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Q: What’s the best way to work out your lower abdominal muscles?When I do sit-ups, only my upper abs are flexing and getting stressed. My lower abs don’t seem to be doing much work but I want to get rid of a little pot belly in that area. I appreciate any help.
A: leg lifts are the greatest <3
What is the best way to work out on your abs without equipment?
Q: i really need to know to work out on it. Nothing else is working.
A: There’s a workout called leg lifts that got me an eight-pack. Find a place , while lying with your back on the floor, where you can have something to hold on to like a bed or a couch. Raise your legs straight up in the air then bring them down almost touching the floor. Repeat this as desired. I would usually listen to a song and do leg lifts through the whole song. (3 to 4 minutes long) Do these every day. (When I first started these I was so sore it hurt to walk)
what is the best way to work out your abs? And if you say sit ups, what is the best way to do sit up?
Q: There are a few different ways to do a sit up, which way will give you the best result?
A: well before you can do situps and pushups you need to have little or not somache fat. if you do its pointless to do situps and pushups because they will do nothing for you. but once your stomach has little or not fat pushups and situps are a good start but try to change it up. whatever works for you. not saying you dont already have abs…but that is a common problem.

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