How do I make my muscles harder

How do I make my muscles harder

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do I make my muscles harder”,you can compare them.

Exercise is the only way to make your muscles harder. You need to tear the muscles down and then rest them to let them heal. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I make my muscles harder
Is there another way of make the muscles go stronger and harder r…?
Hello Stephen! Thank you for your nutrition question. There is a great supplement that I prescribe to all my patients who are planning on losing weight called Juice Plus. It is the best weight loss supplement that I know of because it helps…
How to make your muscles harder and less flabby?
Train! Whey protein would help if you work out. If you are training for strength look for low reps and higher weight. If you are training to tone, then work up higher reps and lower weight. Good luck!
Do shoes like Fit Flops and Reebok Easy Tone actually make your m…?
Every company is coming out with shoes that claim to work your muscles harder, improve posture, etc. I wan to know if anyone has had success with them. – Asked by A Newlywed, Female, 29-35

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Q: I work out a lot and I am about the size I want to be but my muscles look and feel a little soft but i dont have any body fat. please help
A: Lift once a week.Lift heavy. HOLD the weight for 60 seconds. Completely fatique the muscles.You build mass, thickness, and hardness during the rest, not during the lifting.
Does high metabolism make building muscles harder?
Q: Okay, I have an extremely high metabolism. I’m very slender. At 15 years old, I eat right and I eat hardy, but I still only weigh about 125 pounds. So I’ve decided to gain some weight, just to compensate. I don’t want to gain fat, so instead I’m building my muscles. I do some moderate muscle workouts 2 or 3 times a week. However, just as when I eat a lot, my fat burns away quickly, my muscles seem to lose mass if I don’t workout for a few days. Is this linked to my high metabolism? Should I be working out harder or more frequently? Or is everything on the right track, and am I just imagining things?
A: To get big you have to eat big. You probably think you are eating enough but you’re not. Speaking from personal experience…I was 6’1 and 145 pounds. I gained about 30 pounds in 3 months by eating 5000 – 6000 calories a day. I was eating a meal every 2 to 3 hours. I also took a weight gainer bc I needed the extra calories.This was 4 years ago when I was 20….you’re still a young guy (not that 20 is old but at least my testorone was peaking then). You still have a lot of hormonal development to do. Keep working out and eating well and you will fill in with time. And your metabolism will start to slow down…mine is still pretty fast but I gain weight a lot more quickly and can’t eat like i used to. Good luck.
how to make muscles harder?
Q: so i have quite big muscles work out alot and go to boxing but my biceps arent very can i make them feel hard?
A: Cardio combined with lighter weights and tons more reps.You have mass now you just need definition.

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