How can you gain bigger shoulders

How can you gain bigger shoulders

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The best shoulder exercise is called the “Arnold Dumbbell Press”. Stand straight holding a dumbbell in each hand. Raise the dumbbells to shoulder position with palms facing you. Press the dumbbells overhead. Twist them so that palms face forwards. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you gain bigger shoulders
Does gaining weight make your shoulders bigger/broader??
it could, but mostly it just makes your belly droop.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some good workouts that can make my shoulders gain bigger muscle?
A: You have to work the front medial and rear heads of the deltoid, the one that most people neglect are the rear heads and these are very important so you don’t develop a slumped forward “rounded shoulder” posture that many weightlifters have.For front Deltoids:Standing Barbell Press/Push press (3 sets of eight) Do these keeping the weight slightly behind you when you lift and lowering the bar in front of your face to the height of your mouth. Do them with strict form, no cheating for the first 6 and then do 2 or three additional reps where you first bend your knees and push up from the floor allowing the extra momentum to help you complete the lift.Dumbell Front Raises or Cable Front Raises (3 sets of eight)Medial Deltoid (3 sets of eight)Side dumbbell raises or cable raises bring your hand up with a 99% straight arm (very slight bend in your elbow) to the height of the bottom of your ear.Rear DeltoidRear deltoid fly machine (same as pec deck-handles reversed) (3 sets of 10)The trick on this one is to do them SLOW, and really work on a mind/muscle connection where you feel the little rear deltoid muscle doing the work. I could do 2/3 of the stack if I just slammed the weight back, but if I concentrate on really isolating the rear deltoid I will work hard on three or four plates.Face pulls (3 sets of 10)Face PullsOn a cable tower use a rope attachment. Set the cable at about the height of your throat. With knees slightly bent, pull the rope towards your face with your elbows held high. You while grasping the rubber balls on the rope handle with your fingers. Contract your upper back and rear delt muscles by pulling your elbows back past your ears and squeezing your shoulder blades together while keeping your chest held high.Good luck!
how to gain bigger muscle that is between the neck and shoulder?
Q: how to gain bigger muscle that is between the neck and shoulder?yeah.between the neck and the shoulder?some call it torso i think?
A: Its called the trapezius muscle. Its an easy muscle to develop quickly because it gets used in loads of different exercises. If you wanted to isolate this muscle for extra attention while working out, Id try holding two heavy dumbells while standing straight and shrugging. There are lots of other variations, but this one is the easiest. If you don’t have access to a gym, then you can load two bags up with heavy stuff (even shopping) and shrug with those.
how can i gain muscle and broad big shoulders?
Q: I’m 14, 5’11, 140 pounds, any tips?
A: Swim!

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