Do the bow-flex really work

Do the bow-flex really work

Health related question in topics Fitness Shopping .We found some answers as below for this question “Do the bow-flex really work”,you can compare them.

The Bowflex does work, but only when used in combination with other fitness activities, a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do the bow-flex really work
Does bowflex really work?
If you use it a lot, yes.
Bowflex claims 20 minute workouts, 4 times a week…Does it reall…?
Any type of resistance training is going to help with muscle definition. With a good diet and cardio, you should be able to get lean and have decent muscle size. I dont know if I believe the 20 minute workout routine they claim on there com…
Does The Bowflex Machine Really Work?
So many people have asked the question of does the bowflex really work. This is obviously a very valid question, especially when you think about the expensive cost of this fitness machine. You may be one of the many people who are intereste…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long should a man at 40 years old work out to see results in muscle tone. He is using the bow flex.?
Q: We are having an argument about this. He is very thin 6’1″ and 165. Way too skinny, he needs some more body mass
A: I would say that 12 weeks would start showing major results, as by age forty, testosterone production has decreased and the body isn’t as anabolic as it would have been when the 40 year old was younger.If he is too skinny Im guessing hes a hardgainer or a ectomorphic type body, he should look into getting weightgainer. It works if you take it along with working out.
Does bow flex really work?
Q: I am considering buying a Bowflex and I was just wondering if anyone has one, and the results they got, what types of worksouts worked best, etc, thank you.
A: Please. I suggest using the best, healthist and most effective diets include eating right and daily exercises. When you start do it slow when you get up in the mornings – stretch for three to five minutes. Eat a small,balanced breakfast which has the eccential vitamins and begin your day. between breakfast and lunch grab a snack such as raw vegetables or fruit. Some of these have an aquired tast but buy those food high in potasium and iron,niacin, folate and calcium, because you lose these when you sweat. Stretch again. Do some light crumches or sit ups. Eat lunch and so on. and make sure to drink plenty of water, it flushes your system as well as helps fatty tissues turn into muscle. Consult your physician before you try any vitamin to suppliment the other stuff or before you try purchasing all of those extra ordinary quick solutions before the resolutions reflect on damaging your original body chemistry. If you drink alcohol don’t. If you smoke try not to. It will lead to strain on your heart. go to the web for extra instructions and warnings Good Luck and feel great!
Do machines such as the Bow Flex or something like that make you really strong?
Q: Or is it better to do regular weights to get strong ?I mean really stronger ?
A: Actually, free weights result in the best musculature. Why because to control the weights you use all of the muscles within the muscle group and you learn coordination.However, to be safe when using free weights when doing bench presses etc. you need a spotter. The advantage of any machine like the bow-flex or others is that you can do the workouts without relying on a spotter.Also, to build up strength quickly, lift as much as you can for 5 reps. Rest for 1 minute and repeat 5 reps. Rest, repeat 5 more reps 1 more time. So, to bulk, lift the max weight you can for a total of 5 reps and do 3 sets of the 5. You also need to have a day of rest between. So if you work a major muscle group, give that group a day off in between workouts.Once you have to “look” you want, then switch to 8 to 10 reps in 3 sets. This will keep you from bulking up much more and keep you looking good!

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