Why Wear High Heel Shoes?

As a man, I cannot understand a logical reason to buy high heel shoes. What is the purpose of a shoe? It seems to me that the main purposes of shoes are protecting one’s feet and making it easier to walk and stand. Low-heeled shoes seem much better suited for this.

I remember watching women struggle to walk in high heels. I remember women talking about how their feet hurt at the end of the day after wearing high-heeled shoes for several hours. Why do women punish themselves this way?

I urge women to revolt peacefully against the persons/traditions/forces that lead them to purchase and wear high heel shoes. Why not buy and wear comfortable walking shoes?

High-heeled shoes seem to be uncomfortable to wear, unsafe to walk in, inappropriate for driving a car, and potentially cause several problems for your feet over the long term – assuming you don’t fall and suffer a severe accident in the short term wearing them. Let me make it clear that I am not a medical professional and cannot give any medical advice — but numerous articles online either written by medical professionals or quoting medical professionals report on the safety hazards of high-heeled shoes.

Can anyone cite any medical benefit for the average person who wears high heels? Is there any reason for the average lady to wear high heels other than fashion? Is the desire to look fashionable the big appeal? If some fashion show (whether in Paris or in your hometown) portrays specific styles as being “in” this season, will women in your neighborhood rush in droves to buy the newly fashionable shoes? Please seek to resist the temptation.

Lest you think I am solely concerned about high-heeled shoes, I want to make it clear that I also consider men’s ties to be unnecessary and potentially unsafe, as I discussed in a previous Associated Content article. I have not worn a tie in years — fortunately my jobs have not required a tie. And before you ask, I’ll state that I don’t think I’ve ever worn a high heel shoe other than trying one on very briefly! I hope the day will come soon when no employer finds ties or high heels necessary for typical workers.

There are various theories on how high heels originated and why they became popular. You can find numerous articles online about the subject if it interests you. For my purposes here, I find it sufficient to state that I know of no logical reason for modern women to wear them for hours daily while walking, working typical jobs (If your job requires them you have my sympathy!), driving a car, or relaxing. If you know of a reason, please contact me with information about it. Thanks!


James Gibson; “Neckties: Attractive, Elegant, Unnecessary, And/Or Dangerous?;” Associated Content.com; May 3, 2010; Website accessed September 10, 2011.

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