Tips for Holiday Traveling with Infants

With the holiday season upon us, there will be numerous road trips that will be taken by families all across the world. Not all of these trips will be w/ by singles or childless couples, but in fact, many families will be traveling with a car capacity that may include infants.

When taking an infant along on a road trip, there are many things to consider. Prepared parents will have a smoother trip, and a much happier baby.

First off, try to plan the trip during baby’s normal nap time. If you’re lucky, your little bundle will peacefully sleep the trip away and arrive at Grandma’s well rested and ready to play.

The most important thing you will have with you when you travel with your infant is your diaper bag. Before your trip, stock the diaper bag with diapers, wipes, several changes of baby clothes, baby’s favorite blanket, snacks for both you and baby, and several of your baby’s favorite toys. Don’t forget to pack bottled water, formula and bottles, if your baby uses them. For extended travel, the plastic, disposable bottle inserts are probably best. You can throw them away and not have to worry about washing or sterilizing bottles (a tedious process).

Think ahead to your destination. If there is a significant temperature difference, be sure to include clothes appropriate to the area. You can never be too cautious when planning for infants. You can always tell the experienced parents from the newbies.

A baby sling or other wearable baby carrier is essential when traveling. Your baby may feel insecure or afraid in unfamiliar surroundings. Wearing your baby will allow you to carry and still have your hands free for other things. A baby sling can also double as a nursing blanket or comfortable place for baby to nap. BABYBJÖRN and ERGO are a couple of brands that make reliable baby carrier products.

This may be common sense, but b e sure never to wear your baby while driving in the car. Every baby should be strapped safely into an approved car seat while traveling.

If you baby is taking solids, be sure to pack some of their favorite easy to eat snacks. Crackers, dry cereal, and soft fruits work best. My daughter loves organic puffs.

With a little planning, the family and baby can arrive at your destination with a minimum of stress and be ready to enjoy the holidays prepared for whatever may come your way.

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