Quick Fixes for Makeup Mishaps

Makeup mishaps can happen to anyone, even seasoned makeup professionals. Usually it happens when we’re in a hurry. But it doesn’t matter what the cause of the mishap is, it matters if you can fix it. Most makeup mishaps can be fixed pretty simply, without having to start over. Here’s a few makeup mishaps that are easily fixed.

Caked on foundation. I love to apply my foundation with my fingers. It’s fast and it doesn’t require any tools. But, sometimes I get ready while its still sort of dark, and sometimes I’m in a hurry, and I have a tendency to cake on the foundation. I rush. I forget to blend. It’s not a pretty picture. But there’s an easy solution. To prevent the problem, you can mix a little moisturizer with your foundation in the palm of your hand before applying. This will thin your foundation slightly, making it harder to put on too much. If it’s already too late, the fix is so simple. Just take a cotton ball or cotton circle, and gently dab the areas where there is too much makeup. Try not to smear it around, just dab off the excess. Touch up as needed.

An abundance of blush. If your blush goes on too dark or too heavy, get a blush brush and dip it into your loose powder foundation (pressed will work in a pinch, too). Gently swirl the foundation right where you put the blush. The powder will blend it in and lighten it up, leaving you with just the right amount of blush.

Eyeshadow everywhere. Sometimes, when I’m rushing (because I have 3 small children and I’m always rushing to get put together before they wake up), I get eyeshadow where I don’t want it. Sometimes that’s in the corner of my eyes and sometimes its even underneath (dreaded eyeshadow fallout). Quick action is the best, before the shadow has time to adhere to your skin. Take a clean cotton swab and lightly lift away the offending color. Try to lift it off without smearing. If it smears anyway, dip a new cotton swab in eye makeup remover and cleanse as small an area as possible to clean it up. Then, go back with your foundation and touch up the area.

Coloring outside the (lash)lines. Pencil liner can be tricky to control, especially if you’re prone to blinking hard or even sneezing while you’re putting on your makeup. If you get a little spot outside the lash line, use a cotton swab to blend it away. If it smudges, you can either use a little eye makeup remover on a cotton swab to clean up the exact spot (keep in mind you’ll have to retouch it as well) or use a cotton swab to smudge all the liner, giving yourself a great smokey eye look.

Mascara miss. If your mascara gets somewhere you don’t want it to be, just wait until it dries. You should be able to gently flick it away with a fingernail.

Oil slicks. Oh, this makes me nuts. There’s nothing like getting your face done and finding an oil slick right across your forehead and down your chin. Gently blot the area with blotting papers (or a paper towel or napkin in a pinch) and then use a big fluffy brush to apply some loose powder just to the oily area. Avoid areas with fine lines or they’ll look more prominent.

Just in case makeup mishaps happen on the go, keep a small makeup kit in your purse (or if you’re like me, a big one!). A mascara, some gloss, and some pressed powder will get you through most makeup issues. And if all else fails, wash, rinse, and repeat. Wash the mistake right down the drain and try, try again.

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