Potassium Rich Foods

Potassium is a much needed mineral in the body and can become too low or too high. Hypokalemia is when the body has its potassium levels too low. Too low potassium gives symptoms of weakness, gastrointestinal issues, confusion and nausea. Most people get enough of the mineral through potassium rich foods in their diet.


Melons have a good bit of potassium in them according to a Drugs.com foods list . A cup serving of cubed cantaloupe has 494 mg of potassium, a cup of watermelon has 176 mg and a cup of diced honeydew melon has 461.

Tree Fruits

Fruits from trees are another good source of potassium. A cup of papaya has 781 mg of potassium, a small banana 467 mg, a medium kiwi has 252 mg, a small orange has 237 mg and a medium pear has 208 mg.

Vine Fruits

Fruits from vines can be a tasty way to get enough potassium into your diet. A one-half-cup portion of blueberries have 63 mg, ten small grapes has 93 mg while a one-third-cup portion of raisins has 363 mg. Dried raisins have much more potassium over their grape counterparts.

Green Vegetables

Green vegetables are good ones for getting potassium into the diet. A one-cup portion of asparagus, fresh or cooked, has 288 mg. Brussels sprouts has 247 mg in a one-half-cup portion, broccoli has 143 mg in a one-half-cup size and green beans has 187 mg for one-half-cup of fresh beans and 85 mg for a one-half-cup of frozen beans.

Root Vegetables

Delicious when roasted, root vegetables have a good supply of potassium as well. A sweet potato baked with the skin has 508 mg while a half of a skin-on baked potato has 422 mg. Carrots have 177 mg for a one-half-cup portion.

Protein Sources

These sources give protein and potassium to the diet. One-fourth-cup of sunflower seeds has 241 mg of potassium, one-half-cup of cooked lentils has 365 mg, one-half-cup of cooked pinto beans has 400 mg and one-half cup of cooked dried peas have 355 mg. More in this category include a cup of soy milk at 345 mg of potassium and 2 tablespoons of peanut butter at 214 mg.

Foods rich in potassium can help raise a level that dips too low, resulting in symptoms that are unnerving to those experiencing them. Low potassium can even effect your heart. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables should give you plenty of potassium, if not, you may need a supplement. Ask your doctor about supplements if your potassium tests low.

9-21-10 This article first appeared on Suite 101.

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