How to Stop Bleeding with Cayenne Pepper

My sister phoned one morning explaining the experience my mother was having with bleeding gums. Mother’s gums were bleeding so bad she went into a bit of a panic and made an appointment to see her dentist. The dentist tried every trick in his little black bag to no avail, so the dentist sent mother to the emergency care at the hospital.

The ER doctor stuffed some gauze in her mouth and applied pressure to the area of the bleeding. As soon as the doctor released the pressure the bleeding would start again, so the doctor out of ideas sent mother home with instructions to keep pressure on the bleeding area. Back at home mother was terrified she was going to bleed to death, so I was called to see if there was anything I could do.

I studied herbs and Chinese medicine so I knew of a few things I could do. I went over to mother’s house and examined her mouth and the situation. The first thing I did was to get a Q-tip and stick one end into a small container of cayenne pepper, covering one end of the Q-tip with the pepper. I located the spot where the gum was bleeding and put the peppered tip on that spot then had mother hold it there for about a minute. After the minute was up she pulled the Q-tip from her mouth and looked in the mirror checking for blood.

To her and my sisters amazement the bleeding had totally stopped. Five minutes later she was still blood free so the problem was solved and with only a few pennies worth of supplies available just about anywhere. Cayenne pepper has blood coagulating properties that sort of knits the flesh back together at the same time killing germs and pathogens. When ever I travel cayenne pepper is always added to the emergency medical bag. Cayenne pepper can be applied to any open wound, it may sting for a minute but the benefits are worth the little bit of discomfort. Cayenne pepper can also be taken internally in capsule form which is good for the heart and the circulatory system. The herb is a good stimulant and adds energy to aid other healing herb remedies.

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