Amazing Spider Man Art Director Denied Protective Order in Sexual Battery, Libel Case

In Santa Ana, California last week, “Amazing Spider Man” art director David Klassen failed to convince the court on motion that transgender singer Bralalalala’s deposition subpoena for police evidence in the sexual battery case was made without merit. The rock singer expects to proceed soon with a videotaped deposition of the police department personnel handling the case. These developments come after Klassen lost motions initiated by Bralalalala in defense of his case answer and cross complaint, which had initially alleged extortion, fraud, deceit and malicious prosecution. In those developments, Klassen was disallowed from using fraud, extortion and deceit as court defenses to sexual battery and libel. He was also barred from countersuing for extortion. He filed an appeal with the court of appeals and gained an
opportunity to possibly amend his countersuit, but as of this date he has been unable to do so.

On January 9, the parties will convene before the court again for a case management conference and
motion to compel made by Klassen against the singer. Despite his extortion claim not currently deemed by valid by the court, Klassen expects the court to allow him to demand discovery against the singer reflective of his extortion claim. Klassen wants the past 15 years of details of the singer’s life as a professional singer, as a person, as a litigant, and even as a person who emails and uses a phone. Bralalalala is objecting to many of the discovery requests as irrelevant to sexual battery and libel, and invasive of third-party privacy rights. She says demanding all phone call records and email records to and from everyone the last two years is invasive and a violation of civil rights of everyone in contact with her.

Last month, the singer submitted a medical diagnosis of her condition pursuant to the alleged sexual battery incident to the court. Last month, Klassen also denied making the alleged libel website to local media, despite his girlfriend attorney claiming to making one about the singer in her cross complaint pleadings for Klassen’s to local media through his girlfriend attorney Yolanda Marsili, despite Marsili claiming to making one about the singer in cross complaint pleadings for Klassen’s benefit.

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