Why when you are do you get the munchies

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Why when you are do you get the munchies”,you can compare them.

Pot gives you the munchies because it speeds up your metabolism, so you digest all the food that’s in your system much faster. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-when-you-are-do-you-get-the-munchies ]
More Answers to “Why when you are do you get the munchies
THC suppresses the body’s normal “I’m full” signal from the stomach. Normally, nerves and hormones from the stomach and intestines signal the hypothalamus in the brain to tell it whether you are hungry or sated. THC interferes wit…
The human body has some proteins called cannabinoid receptors , that is, special proteins that react with the presence of substances found in weed. These are usually similar to those molecules that are abundant in marijuana (ie. THC being t…
i think the marijuana just makes you hungry. just like naked womenz makes you horny

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A: From what I”ve read it’s the THC itself that produces the munchies. That’s why it’s used on chemo and AIDS patients.
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