Why is smoking good

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is smoking good”,you can compare them.

Cigarette smoking is very unhealthy for heart and lungs but can be very healthy digestively, spiritually, and temperately. More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-smoking-good ]
More Answers to “Why is smoking good
Why is smoking good ?
Smoking contains nicotine which is relaxing, increases focus, makes you smarter and more creative, makes you horny, makes you lose weight — 11 pounds on average — amplifies pleasure, makes you more easygoing and outgoing, can be used to w…
I am wondering what the best techniques are to quit smoking. I am…?
Here let me give you ultimate way to quit. Are you ready to quit ? If yes, then imagine you have …
How to Quit Smoking for Good
・ 1 For the best chances of succeeding, first and most important, you must have a real desire to quit…. ・ 2 If you have gotten as far a getting together a real desire to quit than you are doing better than many… ・ 3 Before you begin thi…

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Why am I in such a good mood after smoking a cigar?
Q: I’m a relatively young cigar afficionado (only started 2 years ago). I smoked my favorite brand, a Punch a few minutes ago with a good friend of mine, and I noticed (as with all good stogies I have) why am I in a great mood after smoking a cigar? I have a final I should be studying for, but I am completely undeterred and stress free at the moment. Does anyone know if smoking cigars releases endorphins or anything?
A: Ridiculous answers.The simple answer is… cigars are an enjoyable, relaxing hobby. The amount of nicotine is nowhere near the level contained in cigarettes… obviously… and that definitely isn’t the issue. (Nicotine withdrawals from a casual cigar smoker? How stupid!)The short and simple version is that a fine cigar is just so damn tasty and relaxing on so many levels… why do you think they have cigar lounges and private cigar clubs all over the country…Cheers! and Long Ashes to you!
Is there a good reason why well informed and highly educated people continue smoking tobacco?
Q: I can accept that people who don’t know anything about the letal consequences of smoking tobacco continue doing so, even today in the information era. But those who have access to updated information know that smoking is harmful both to themselves and other people around them. Why are they doing it?
A: Do you drink alcohol, eat fast food or breathe in car exhaust? If any, you are no different than them. All of those are just as bad as smoking. Maybe you like to drink and eat more. Therefore it’s justifiable. But in reality it’s not. It’s time for you to get a clue.
For smokers under 26: Why did you start smoking and what may be a good reason for you to quit?
Q: Why did you start smoking? At what age? Have you quit? If yes, what was the reason? Is no, why not and what would be a potential reason for you to quit? (money, health, physical appearance, etc?)
A: Q: Why did you start smoking?A: I started smoking as I wanted to see a visible change in myself drastically as I was sick of how things were going bad with me. I always opposed changes within me but when I felt that its not possible to live without changing your self, all I wanted was to change myself instantly. I hated even someone smoking near to me hence smoking seemed to be an easy way for bringing about an instant change. And believe me it was not hard at all to get addicted. Later I did realize though that it was the biggest mistake / decision I ever made.Q: At what age?A: I was 20 when I started smoking.Q: Have you quit?A: Yes, I had left smoking on 1st January 2008. I am committed now and I understand the kind of life I am looking forward to. I cannot contradict my own desires with a lust or addiction I developed as mistake. Smoking started effecting my life style. I stopped bothering about my surrounding, other people. My work started getting effected and I couldn’t concentrate. It even started effecting my performance in personal life. I started reading about smoking and found that it is even more miserable then what I knew about it. Important was to decide if I even want to quite smoking at all. It was very hard as I had never done anything against my desire. But changes which started see in my self made me choose between a long life (which I can make better by my efforts) or a short life (where I cannot do anything but wait for things to get over). It was hard I even thought of smoking again and felt like I can make it a casual affair but believe it wont work. I got help at yahoo answers and my explained my girl friend that I need her support in this and I really want to do this. I am really glad that I could do this. Still I get a feeling of smoking some times but now I wont start it again to end it later.One thing you wont read any where usually is that once you quit smoking your lungs will start to recover to a normal state and in that phase you might cough. At least I have been coughing for about a week’s time but this is normal and for good and will go away soon. I dint have to get any medical help for quitting smoking but I know how hard it is so if you feel a need for it then don’t hesitate and go ahead after you have give a fair amount of trials to yourself.I am not sure who you are asking this question for, but I really hope that you or your friend gets out of smoking habit soon.All the best 🙂
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