Why do people smoke weed on 420 at 4:20

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The term 420 originated at San Rafael HS, in 1971,among a group called the Waldos.The term was shorthand for the time of day More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-smoke-weed-on-420-at-4%3A20 ]
More Answers to “Why do people smoke weed on 420 at 4:20
Does everyone smoke weed at the time 420?
The “420” that you speak of is actually a reference to Earth Day, which was originally on April 20th back in the 60’s when it started.

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Do any of you actually know why 4-20 is national smoke weed day?
Q: A code 420, in police talk, is the code they use when people are smoking marijuana. So on april 20th, 4-20, everyone that smokes weed says “fu(k the police,” and smoke all night and day.Gotta light up another joint. BRB ;)POLL: Apples or oranges?
A: I’m hanging out up here with satellites
what is 420 or 4/20………………………….?
Q: ive been seing it all day from the net nd here at Y/A!!is it like a special weed smoking day?? wat country is it?? plz tell meI WANNA SMOKE WEED WIF SUM1!!nothing special goin on in Australia no 4/20whooopwhoppppwoot
A: Omar…Omar…Maths question lol Sorry hun, haven’t the foggiest, but Omstarts will xx
What does the number “420” have to do with smoking pot?
Q: We have all seen T-shirts, bumber stickers, sayings stuff like “hey it’s 4:19, got a minute?”, ect.Why do people make sure they get high at 4:20? How did 420 start? Why is April 20th the national “weed smoking day”?Im looking for facts only! thanks
A: 420 is not a police call sign for pot, and never was. there is no facts stating why this number refers to smoking pot.
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