Why do I drink

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do I drink”,you can compare them.

Do you drink alone when you feel angry or sad? Does your drinking ever make you late for school or work? Go ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-i-drink ]
More Answers to “Why do I drink
・ 1. to be cool ・ 2. its a habit ・ 3. some times life can be stressful so the brain tells you its nessisary
take it from an irishman(myself) its fun even the narkiest dry shite can become the funniest person you know when he/she is drunk. you forget all these social chains around you like oh i would look silly doing that or what does she think …
I do not drink anymore because it was ruling my life. I put it ahead of everything else. My kids, husband, parents, everything. I did not want to be like that because I grew up with an alcoholic dad. I wasnt going to do the same thing to my…

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A: Sounds like a slight allergic reaction to it. I’d consider finding a different favorite spirit or switch to a potato based vodka instead of grain based.
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A: With the phlegm, it might be a mild allergy reaction.
Why do dogs drink others dogs urinewhile they are urinating?
Q: Why do dogs drink others dogs urine while they are urinating?Why is the cause and are the effects from this?
A: Mostly to get information on the sex, age, condition and readiness to mate of the dog the urine is from. I find my males do it with my females pretty exclusively, they are all spayed or neutered, but hopes springs eternal I guess.No, it won’t hurt a dog, but if he is doing it compulsively, all the time, I would tend to think something is lacking in his diet.
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