What will happen if you take 60 mg of Adderall

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You should only take it as it is prescribed to you. It is very possible to become addicted to Adderall if you abuse it. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-will-happen-if-you-take-60-mg-of-adderall ]
More Answers to “What will happen if you take 60 mg of Adderall
What happens if you take 60 mg adderall not prescribed?
No one is prescribed that much, but to answer your question…GOOD. No one is prescribed that much, but to answer your question…GOOD. No one is prescribed that much, but to answer your question…GOOD.
Can I take 60 mg of adderall in the morning if I take 20mg, 3 tim…?
yes its fine. I think you are saying you take 20mgs at a time through a day but you just want to take 60mg at a time, if thats what you are asking yes you are fine. Yes they tell you to ask your doctor but its fine. Test the waters first….
What would taking 60 mg of adderall do to a 20 year old?
I am rxed 60 a day, but I am super ADHD, really if you did it all of a sudden, prob make you wig out. I pretty much can only think stright and be productive when I am on it. (Addicted you might say), but really I am fine, I do have trouble …

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What would happen if I snorted 60 mg of Adderall?
A: its abusing it. a high that could kill you. don’t do it
ok is this normal???????please important?
Q: OK (don’t criticize about the drugs, i’m not a druggie i’m 16 im just having a good time, plus it’s not like i would ever pay for anything other then weed)OK it 6 in the morning i haven’t slept in 24 hours almost(like 22 hours or something idk i have been awake since like 7:30 yesterday morning)and here is the explanation as of whyok someone gave me 10 free Adderral (10 mg per pill) i took 5 and he took 5so this is how my day happenedi woke up at 7:30-7:45am and then at around 6pm i took 50-60mg of adderall(note this was my first time ever using adderall for recreation and idk if 60 mg is alot or a little for a first timer)well yeah i haven’t been able to sleep since yesterday morning, i now im literally hallucinating, i like i keep thinking i heard something like hit the inside of my closet door, but nothings their, and i feel like im seeing ghosts like i looked at the closet door that was hit (btw it’s been open that how i knew nothing was in their)well i looked in(like from my bed) and then i kinda got a dizzy spell feeling, but not the same it’s weird, but then when i kept looking i saw this gray thing, not a body just gray sort of like smoke just floating in air it looked like metallic smoke type thing, like you know how cigarette smoke is like it slowly floats up in like the shat of a cloud, well surprisingly i found a pic that looks similar to what i saw (http://www.kazuya-akimoto.com/2005/2005imges/4338_silver_metallic_bark_450.jpg), oh and idk but a part of my floor was like red (not like blood, but like some was shining a red light) my question is this from me take 60 mg adderall XR or because i took adderall and adderall makes you feel like you’ve been awake twice as long, if that makes sense.(like if you do 60-80 mg of adderall, would being awake for a day on that, feel like 2 days sober?)believe me if i had a problem with something i would admit it, i have been addicted to drugs before i’ve gone through withdrawels im not gonna do it like that again, the bean just earnt worth itbut no matter how deep i am in i have a code, to never pay for pills so if someone gives me oxy every day for 3-4 weeks and i become addicted then he stops giving them to me i will quit cold turkey. i wont waste money or that stuff it’s a fun time but not worth the withdrawals, and im still addicted to nicotine, i tried quiting once i went 4 days second worse feeling of my lifehad a high fever worst headache ever i had the worst smokers cough, but im weak, i wasn’t able to finish so i slow started smoking again cuz when i tried to smoke a cig i would almost pukeok im fine and haha lol dude 6 isn’t alot i know people only 17 who could handle 8-9i was just tweakin i’ve been up for 2 day(3 cuz im counting the one adderall day as 2)i love this right now im literally trippingand i love tripping more then my mary jane(which is saying alot) i love it, i love doing shrooms, and im not one of the stupid kids who just take any drugs to get fucked if im gonna take a drug more then once it either had a noticable positive effects on my life, and actually changed the way i think, and made me happier, i’ve only tripped on shrooms once and i took 2.5 g i had no visuals, but i had thoughts go into my head that i couldn’t have ever imagined, like i never thought that if i just forgot about all of my troubles and all of everyone else’s troubles and forgot about how the world is right now, well it definintly pointed me in the right direction, it may have a taken a while before it actually hit me, but before tonight i had no idea where my life was headedthis “mini” trip just like hit me so hard, i put things in perspective, and a tip to anyone who is gonna trip(not for first timers believe you wont appreciate it as much)when your tripping for your second time, it doesn’t matter how hard, but when your tripping your second time think about your first time, then just lose interest in any object in your way, don’t think of family thiings or anything that’s been troubling,now im expecting your tripping with friendok when you start peaking, just walk away from them, just leave, not so far to where u can’t find your way back just far enough to see them but still be alone like across a football feildok you need to bring a notepad and pen/laptop with you, now just think of something you have a strong opinion about you’ll just start thinking so much, i was on my laptop, i wrote 2 pages during my little mini trip
A: Regardless of your first statement, I am not going to critique your habits, but I will give you a fair warning of what those habits could lead you to (most drug addicts are convienced they have no real problem at all). Its a sliperly slope, and narcotics will only end with negative consquences…seek help now before its too late.On to the specifics. The symptoms you describe would be pretty accurate to a person who has taken more than 6 times the normal dosage of a psycotropic drug. Be happy you are still able to type this message out on Yahoo, and are not in the error choking down a charcol lavage, or even worse. Think before you act. Life is too short.P.S. You took adderal XR…so don’t expect to go to sleep anytime soon. The drugs will still be exiting your blood stream for awhile now. Might as well go read a book…preferablly on the negative impacts of drug abuse.
Do you take Trileptal and/or Cymbalta?
Q: I’ve recentaly been taken off of Lexapro (30 mg daily) since I am going into a depression. The doctor increased my Trileptal from 150 mg daily to 300 mg daily along with 60 mg Cymbalta. This does not seem to be working as well as I would like. Has anyone had luck with this combination?I’ve notice that since my ECT treatments (many years ago) my memory is not the same and when on medications my concentration is shot. I’ve tried Straterra with no luck and the doctor is hesitant about putting me on Adderall or Ritalin for fear it would start a big time manic episode. Has this happened to anyone?I am starting to feel desperate, crying a lot, sleeping all the time, and screwing up at work. I need help and suggestions.
A: I’ve taken cymbalta for the past 18 months and it’s the only anti-depressant that seems to work for me. Just the last few months my doctor has increase it to 100 mgs. I also take buspur 60 mgs 15 in the morning 15 in the afternoon and 60 at night. It takes about 4 to 6 weeks for the medicine to really start working. I know that it feels like forever when you want to feel better today, but you have to give it sometime. I’ve fought depression for 42 years so I know what you’re going through. It took my a long time to find something that really worked for me. I hope that you find something that works for you soon and I’ll keep you in my thoughts.
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