What should I do? I accidentally the whole bottle

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Please use your phone to call 991 if you have accidentally taken a whole bottle of prescription drugs, and stay calm. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-do%3F-i-accidentally-the-whole-bottle ]
More Answers to “What should I do? I accidentally the whole bottle
Is this bad? i accidentally the whole coca-cola bottle?
Here is a question to ponder? I know when I drink a Coke, I get the burps… If you stick it up your butt, do you get the Farts?
I accidentally the whole bottle. what i should do?
Is this a Troll account or some kind of inside joke? Most people can form a cogent thought, but there seems to be a distinct lack of intelligence in these questions.
What if you accidentally a whole bottle of champagne??
When that happened to me, I just let it thaw. The liquid was icy but it was definitely drinkable. We didn’t wait for it to thaw completely before drinking it. It was New Years, after all! It tasted great.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I accidentally a whole coke bottle what should i do?
Q: i was messing around with it and i accidentally it.
A: Is this some kind of inside joke, or do you have like 40 troll accounts?There just can’t be this many people that can’t make a coherent thought (well, except maybe on FOX).
I just accidentally a whole Coca Cola bottle, is this bad?
Q: You see I was around in the playground, with all the poles in it, and then a couple of guys around with the Coca Cola bottles, they were really up to no good, then we were and suddenly I accidentally THE WHOLE BOTTLE!NO I DIDN’T F**K IT! I accidentally the WHOLE COCA COLA BOTTLE!What on Earth is a verb?”Wait, you ate it, or what?”I the whole Coca Cola bottle.Ahhh… Thanks Ben.
A: Unfortunately your question lacks a verb; therefore, I know not whether you drank a a whole Coca Cola bottle, ate a whole Coca Cola bottle, broke a whole Coca Cola bottle, stole a whole Coca Cola bottle, or whatever to a Coca Cola bottle.
I accidentally a whole sprite 0 bottle – is this bad?
Q: I came home from work last night and was really thirsty, so I went into the fridge and grabbed a bottle of Sprite 0. I had one glass and then put the bottle on the counter of my kitchen. I took a nap on the couch, but when I woke up a few hours later I had accidentally the whole bottle! It didn’t hurt at the time, but now I’m kind of worried. Is this bad? What should I do?Also, it was a two liter bottle.
A: You should be fine. My friend accidentally three bottles of sprite and they were just fine.
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