What is the good things about smoking weed

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the good things about smoking weed”,you can compare them.

Users may experience pleasant sensations, colors and sounds may seem more intense, and time appears to pass very slowly. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-good-things-about-smoking-weed ]
More Answers to “What is the good things about smoking weed
What are the GOOD things that can come out of smoking weed??
I bet you everything that you think is bad about weed is all myths. There’s a lot of common missconceptions about marijuana, including the big one: THAT ITS BAD FOR YOU. Weed does not kill your brain cells. Weed does not make you any more s…
What are the best things to do after smoking weed?
video games sex nature walk got to some local historical tourist spot and goof on the Japanese tourists listen to music play cards too many to list…
Is the smoking ban a good thing?
Excellent. I don’t like people being told what they should do but there’s an exception to every rule.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can anyone give me a list of the good and bad things of smoking weed?
Q: i just need to know. Thank you <33
A: Pro: It helps you to relax, it’s fun, it make you happy in a way.Con: It fu*k’s your mind in the long term.Anyway, don’t smoke too much, have fun.
What are the GOOD things that can come out of smoking weed?
Q: I know there are a bazillion and two bad things, but i’m just curiouse as if there is anything slightly positive that can come out of it. Does anybody know?
A: I bet you everything that you think is bad about weed is all myths. There’s a lot of common missconceptions about marijuana, including the big one: THAT ITS BAD FOR YOU.Weed does not kill your brain cells.Weed does not make you any more smrt or stupid or anyhting like that.You cannot overdose on weed.Like the very funny comedian katt willaims said “the three side effects of smking are hungry, happy, sleepy”PSsome people think that marijuana smoke can actually help the lungs, and reverse the damaging affects that other smoke may cause.
Best things about smoking weed?
Q: What are the biggest benefits of smoking the ganj?I’ve never heard of people snorting bud; though i have wondered what would happen if you were to rail a line of keif [sp?]
A: Everything about it is great.
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