What is it like to do shrooms

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Conversational .We found some answers as below for this question “What is it like to do shrooms”,you can compare them.

People who take mushrooms reported profound mystical experiences that led to behavior changes. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-it-like-to-do-shrooms ]
More Answers to “What is it like to do shrooms
What is it like to be on shrooms?
You can freak out and have a heart attack, or end up in a psych ward. Know a few people that has went through it. You will hear from a lot of people on here that is is “harmless” and they had a good “trip”, but do you …
Did you like shrooms?
Shrooms was ‘cause of the kids I was hanging out with at the time.
Do you gys like shrooms without any other drug?
Marijuana is almost a must when I trip. Usually a bowl is smoked after ingestion to help the nausea I get sometimes – I like being stoned then feel the trip coming on… And more often then not there will be a joint or some bowls for the pe…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: Can you grow shrooms in Tennessee this time of year? My friend has a cow farm and he said he saw some growing through some cow sh!t. So i was just wondering
A: When Uncle Sam realized there was something in the feed for the cows, that grew such awsome shrooms they took it out! Watch what you eat, it could be deadly!
how can i grow shrooms if i dont have spores?
Q: can i take a cow pattie home so that shrooms will grow or does it have to stay in one place?
A: yeah you can, just make sure it doesnt crumble, and u can tell if there is shroom sproutlings in the pattie spray with water 3 times a day and keep them outa direct sunlight
What would happen if you ate some shrooms and watched porn?
Q: I mean, im not saying i would do shrooms because of all the negative affects, but i heard some ppo actually saw reality different and see/hear things different.what would happen if you ate some shrooms and watch porn? is it possible that the girl will talk to u or she’ll come out of the screen or something? lmfaowhat section should this be in?
A: i totally wouldn’t recommend it. It way too trippy and awkward and funny peculiar not funny ha ha
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