What is good joint paper

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “What is good joint paper”,you can compare them.

E-Z Wider is good joint paper. They come in flavors too now. Yummy! ChaCha til ya drop! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-good-joint-paper ]
More Answers to “What is good joint paper
Is computer paper good to roll a joint with or is some other pape…?
grow up and look at yourself and see if this is who you want to be.
There is a Multi Finish plaster in England.I want to know is ther…?
We have a multi finish plaster here also. We also have many different formulas for different types …
What grade sand paper is good for sanding light weight joint comp…?
Use 80 grit . sanding screens are ment to use if your hooked up to a vac system, they don,t do a good job ,leave deep scratches in compound , you will end up useing paper anyway.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Are Post-it notes good for make-shift joint paper?
Q: I cut them in half to make them smaller. Any thoughts?
A: not really but bible pages work great, nice and thin.
is computer paper good to roll a joint with or is some other paper better?
Q: im not old enough to buy rolling paperi would hav to find someone thsts 4 years older to buy me a blunt
A: grow up and look at yourself and see if this is who you want to be.
Where can I get joint paper from?
Q: Can I get it from like a regular store like Rite Aid or some shit and what is joint paper called?
A: Zig Zag is sold at most gas stations.http://www.tattooarchive.com/history_images/zig_zag_man_poster.jpg
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