What is a lethal dose of marijuana

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The lethal dose of marijuana is either about one-third your body weight, or about 1,500 pounds, consumed all at once! ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-lethal-dose-of-marijuana ]
More Answers to “What is a lethal dose of marijuana
Does marijuana have a lethal dose?
Yes. Everything has a lethal dose. However, it is physically impossible to obtain such a dosage. It has been calculated that it would take 1500 pounds of marijuana consumed within a 15 minute period to be lethal. That is impossible. I offer…

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A: Trying to kill someone Your F-UPed
Does marijuana have a lethal dose?
A: Yes. Everything has a lethal dose. However, it is physically impossible to obtain such a dosage. It has been calculated that it would take 1500 pounds of marijuana consumed within a 15 minute period to be lethal. That is impossible. I offer this as evidence of marijuana’s benign nature. Look on youtube for videos by hashbean420 and raslyle. These two guys smoke more weed than I have ever seen anyone smoke at one time. If ANYONE had ever complained about marijuana injuring them or causing permanent damage of any kind, do you think they could smoke as much as they do and still be standing?Think about it? Is it easier to believe all the hype that the government puts out there about how bad weed is and that it kills people or do you want to see the evidence for yourself? Because the evidence does not exist. Marijuana is the safest drug on the planet and has not yet killed a single person. Remember that when you are watching those guys on youtube smoke out like maniacs.
Why is everyone so scared to legalize marijuana?
Q: I have seen the arguments on both sides, and neither one is very conclusive. However you can conclude from several verified reports that alcohol, and nicotine are both more harmful than marijuana. also, you can die from alcohol poison or lung cancer from smoking but yet these 2 substances remain legal. marijuana has been shown to not be addictive, there is not a lethal dose that a human can consume. and it does not cause the erratic behaviors that alcohol can cause. so whats the deal? can any LEVEL HEADED individuals please discuss this with me?i see alot of people comparing weed to a gateway drug to others, and i have to disagree. people who try other drugs after marijuana were not going to do it because they already smoked weed. most of them go to other drugs because they are looking for something to give them a harder buzz. this cannot be blamed on marijuana. it comes down to if the person has an addictive peronality or a self-destructive one. these types of people will end up hurting themselves regardless if they have smoked weed. they would fond some other type of mechanism to destroy themselves. usually the people who use this argument are the ones who have not tried it themselves. it doesnt mean i want you to, but you should really think about that before you make such a claim. and yes some people cannot function getting high, but there are people who would die if the hit a cigarette, or they act totallu irresponsible or dangerous when drunk. these people need to regulate themselves. we shouldnt justify them
A: If you think that smoking dope does less harm than alcohol your an idiot. So, you’ve seen a few reports, get out there and live amongst it day by day, smell the cat piss smell of skunk, then talk about legalising dope.I have seen first hand what smoking dope does to people, I’ve seen people whose brains are permanently cross-wired, the mood swings, the unable to function properly without a joint and the violence caused by the paranoia through smoking dope.Legalise it? they ought to re-classify it as a class A drug.
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