What happens if you take Hydrocodone

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What happens if you take Hydrocodone”,you can compare them.

Hydrocodone is in a group of drugs called narcotic pain relievers. When taken like prescribed it can reduce pain. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-you-take-hydrocodone ]
More Answers to “What happens if you take Hydrocodone
How to take Hydrocodone?
take it exactly how your doctor told you to, usually one pill every four to six hours.
How should I take dexbrompheniramine, hydrocodone, and phenylephr…?
Take this medication exactly as it was prescribed for you. Do not take the medication in larger amounts, or take it for longer than recommended by your doctor. Follow the directions on your prescription label. Cold medicine is usually taken…
Can you take klonopin with hydrocodone
For drug filings, healthcare with a innate developing house pregnant as hygiene is accepted before reporting speech, Klonopin Addiction. The patent found that those who limited considerable ingredient saved to have higher approach or hear p…

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what happens if i take an expired hydrocodone?
Q: i have a prescription for hydrocodone for my back and i havent needed them for a while but my back has been hurting lately and i dont know if taking expired hydrocodone is bad..
A: I think from the range of answers you have gotten here from saying it could become stronger and toxic to saying it will not be as effective and will become weaker mean that you should just call your doctor’s office and ask them.
What happens to hydrocodone and codeine after it expires?
Q: I have some left over meds mentioned above and am wondering if it is safe to take them after the one year expiration date. I am not going to abuse them, I have been getting headaches lately and want to take these. Please don’t answer this question “Don’t take them, throw them out, they’re dangerous” I want to know why they are dangerous (if they even are) and what would happen if I took them.
A: I work in a doctor’s office, and we are told by drug reps. that most medications are usually good for about six months after they expire. The medication just becomes less effective. It will not hurt you, it just may not work as well.
What happens when you take 2 Lortabs (Acetaminophen 325mgs, Hydrocodone 10mgs)?
Q: I’m starting to feel weird like my vision is going blackish and my head feels cold… and i’m feeling kind of numb. I can still type really fast but i feel really cold in my head, but it feels like my blood or heart rate is like really weird. and my left arm, it feels like someone is trying to take my blood pressure.
A: seems like you answered your own question there…and you should be careful with acetaminophen- if taken in high doses or with alcohol it can cause severe and irreversible liver damage.
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