What effects does Lsd have

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The effects of LSD are unpredictable. The user may experience extreme changes in mood, feel several different emotions at MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-effects-does-lsd-have ]
More Answers to “What effects does Lsd have
What are the effects of LSD?
Have illusions and hallucinations The effects of LSD strongly depend on the mental state of the user and the circumstances in which the drug is used. Therefore, the same dose can produce good and bad ‘trips’ in the same person, depending on…
What are the long-term effects of LSD?
Physically, LSD has no long term effects on the body. “It’s stored in your spine for the rest of your life and released when you crack your back.” This is a myth. Side note, one of the attributes that make psychadelics so interest…
Does Lsd Effect Your Spine?
The answer is no, anyone who would believe lsd effects your spine needs to do a little research and development of their cognitive and logical thinking skills.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

does anyone know what the effects of LSD would be on microorganisms be?
Q: my friend is growing a kombucha ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/kombuc… and accidentally dropped a tab of acid into it. does anyone know or could point me to the direction of someone who knows what will; happen to it[ kombucha is a symbiotic culture of yeast bacteria that feeds off of sugar and caffeine
A: Research was done on it’s effect on spiders and web building. That was something that could be visualized. One needs a nervous system to affect in order to have an effect. Microbes don’t have a nervous system with chemicals that can be “adjusted”. But, please don’t put LSD in any “animals” food, that would be a tragic and horrible thing to do to any creature. And have your friend take a minute and look up information on the damages the stuff causes to the body. This ain’t the Leary years and we now know what we are dealing with. Life pure is life worth, anything that detracts from that devalues us.
what kind of long term effects does lsd have on our brains?
Q: i have done it a few times its pretty intresting how your brain processes thoughts differently and you start to try to solve things why causes this?
A: While rarely people who use LSD can sometimes have flashbacks, but these don’t happen forever.Sometimes people get Hallucinogenic Persisting Perception Disorder, which involves a lot of sensory distortion but no true hallucinations (you can still tell what’s real and what’s not so you’re not crazy).LSD rarely leads to psychosis although there are some documented cases, though scientists are not sure if LSD caused them or if it triggered conditions that would’ve emerged later with time.
What are the effects LSD Has on A 14 Yr Olds Health?
Q: I am 14 and have now taking LSD twice just wondering what what effect that will have on me long term.
A: There are no known physical dangers attributable to long term LSD use. In particular there is no reliable evidence that LSD causes brain damage or damage to future children. Adverse psychological effects are possible after one trip, but are more common in regular users. For some users, the experience of hallucinating can be acutely distressing with various symptoms including paranoia; phobia and ideation take time to subside.Case studies of prolonged serious adverse psychological reactions are reported in the literature, but appear to be rare.These reactions can be psychotic in nature and generally occur among those with existing or latent mental illness, most commonly after repeated LSD use, when LSD has perhaps acted as �the final straw�. Among drug users such individuals are marked out as �acid casualties�, those who have taken so much LSD over a period of time that they never quite come back to �normal� consciousness.A number of LSD users report a short-lived vivid reliving of a past trip without use of the drug known as a �flashback�. Part of LSD�s media portfolio as a horror drug were claims that users could have flashbacks lasting days or even weeks. In truth an LSD flashback (which can occur up to months after using the drug) only lasts a few minutes and is rarely dangerous although it can leave the person feeling anxious, disorientated or distressed. Flashbacks are most likely to happen in situations reminiscent of past LSD experiences or sometimes when a past user is smoking cannabis.There is no physical dependence to LSD, but tolerance to the drug builds up rapidly. After 24 hours to achieve the same effect a much larger dose is necessary. After 3 � 4 days of increasing the dosage, a limit is reached whereby no dose would be effective. A break of around three days would be required for LSD �sensitivity� to return. Small minorities of those who have ever used LSD become psychologically dependent.
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