What are the short term effects of amphetamines

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the short term effects of amphetamines”,you can compare them.

Amphetamines may cause dizziness, blurred vision, or restlessness, and they may hide the symptoms of extreme tiredness. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-short-term-effects-of-amphetamines ]
More Answers to “What are the short term effects of amphetamines
What are the short-term effects of amphetamine/methamphetamine??
Amphetamine affects different people in different ways. The effect can be influenced by many things including how much of the drug is taken, the environment it is used in, as well as the weight, size and mood of the person using it.

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Q: Looking for a sceintific answer based on the immediate short term effects and for an answer to be based on someone using it occasianally and recreationaly. No preachy answers please. Remember people are prescribed amphetamines long term for symptons of fatigue and inattention.I don’t get why anyone assumed I was interested in illegal drug use. I’m prescribed amphetamines for narcalepsy and innatention just curious of the affect these would have on a standardized IQ test. Does the speeding up of neurons necceserilly mean quicker thinking? Kenetic intelligence I beleive would be improved.
A: The can increase concentration temporarily. Increased concentration may affect the way their intelligence is percieved, for example, they may be able to perform higher on a standardized test, however I don’t believe that would necesarily be a truthful measure, and their prolonged use over time would most likely decrease their intelligence due to impaired brain functioning.
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